Weekly Report #24–2018.01.05

Fabio Canesin
Proof of Working
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2018

City of Zion (CoZ) is a global community of open source enthusiasts, with the shared goal of helping NEO achieve its full potential. CoZ primarily operates through the community Discord and CoZ Github, central places where the community shares knowledge and contributes to projects.

CoZ is neither a corporation, nor a consulting firm or a devshop / for-hire group.


There is no formal process in joining CoZ. Interested individuals will have to do the work first, and the submitted code has to be licensed under the MIT License. Consistent contributors will become eligible to join the CoZ organization, and begin collaborating on projects. The governance process of this organization can be found here.


Since its inception, the CoZ Council has been in close contact with the NEO Council. The NEO Council provides support to the community, in the form of NEO rewards, which CoZ redistributes weekly.

For individuals who are interested in financially supporting CoZ development, our donation address is AXSoNQEKjmqPBNPg5cNrHyWivfjok3Vj9D.

For transparency, CoZ Council members are excluded from weekly NEO rewards, and any CoZ competitions. This week, 201 NEO were awarded for the contributions to the NEO ecosystem.

Week in Review

dApp Competition:

Registration for the second CoZ dApp competition opens on 25 January 2018! Learn more on the official website.

Help us attract the amazing talent out there that don’t really know about NEO yet. Please print this poster and spread across the technical Colleges and Universities near you.

Download the PDF here


Stack Exchange:

We need experienced Stack Exchange users (with more than 200 reputation) that want to be active in our community, to commit to the proposal. You can do so here.

New CoZ projects:


Neodius is a NEO blockchain mobile application. Neodius let’s you easily view your balance in various ways based on your address. Poured in a pretty-and-easy iOS interface.


Basic library for working with NEO related data in Python, without the database dependencies. Easily usable from all kinds of tools, applications and CLIs. This will facilitate even more the development of applications in Python.

  • Setup of repository and base code with cookiecutter-pypackage, Documentation, cleanup, fixes and code setup, Travis CI integration and tests setup, prepare publishing on pypi (PR #1, #2, #4, #5). Added coveralls and pyup.io, ReadTheDocs.
  • Setup PyPI project neocore and automatic releases on PyPI from Travis when new tags are pushed to GitHub.


NEO Lux was developed to provide an easy way to interact with Smart Contracts in the NEO blockchain using C#.

A full node is not necessary, but you can have one running locally and connect to it using NEO Lux.

Lux is portable, being usable from almost any C# ambient, included within it is a game example using the Unity framework.

Development Updates

Contributions now follow the new format done together with the CoZ contributors.


Initial continuous integration with Travis CI for neo-cli, testing cli functionality and NEP-5 JSON-RPC requests


  • Added cmc.getPrices function for retrieving multiple CoinMarketCap symbols.
  • fix(api): NEP5 Token parsing by decimals (#116)
  • feat(api): Api switch to toggle between neonDB and neoscan (#121)
  • fix(tx): core.signTransaction to check for privateKey (#122)
  • Add OpCodes and parse empty string for decimals correctly


Neon is under a complete redesign of it’s user experience, we believe our community will be excited with how modern and fresh it is going to look very soon. For now enjoy our UX wireframe.


  • Small refactor of Emulator methods (Emulator lib was created from split from the Debugger codebase)
  • Added Unit Testing support for NEO smart contracts (via Emulator)
  • Created Nuget package for NEO emulator lib
  • Merged PR #18 in neo-debugger-tools



  • Module.to_s():
    - automatically link_methods()
    - Add Custom neo-boa opcode lookups
  • VMOp — add ToName()
  • Print function arguments more clearly
    - Module.to_s() — now prints arguments for function calls


  • General clean up and delete SignTransactionAndShowInformationMessage
  • PR #108:
    - Fixed bug with ILoadable.OnLoad method being called multiple times
  • PR #111: Removed unnecessary message classes and handlers and replaced with direct method calls to IWalletController and IDialogManager.ShowDialog
  • PR #114: Merged advanced options feature in transfer dialog from neo-project/neo-gui
  • PR #115:
    - Fixed bug with incorrect asset URL format
    - Moved test-related projects to separate “Tests” directory
    - Removed “Change Password” dialog for wallets as this functionality is not currently supported in NEP-6 wallet implementation (may be added back later if functionality is re-implemented)
    - Renamed IWalletController methods to help clarify what they do
    - Moved IWalletController.GetAccountContract method call from AccountsViewModel to ViewContractViewModel


  • Refactor binary data reader API, added unit tests
  • Added binary data writer class
  • Began implementing P2P node connection and message handling



  • Performance tuned the H2 database.



The role of Gas within the virtual machine”



Not bad for first week of the year ;) .. congrats to this amazing community!


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