Weekly Report #25–2018.01.12

Fabio Canesin
Proof of Working
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2018

City of Zion (CoZ) is a global community of open source enthusiasts, with the shared goal of helping NEO achieve its full potential. CoZ primarily operates through the community Discord and CoZ Github, central places where the community shares knowledge and contributes to projects.

CoZ is neither a corporation, nor a consulting firm or a devshop / for-hire group.


There is no formal process in joining CoZ. Interested individuals will have to do the work first, and the submitted code has to be licensed under the MIT License. Consistent contributors will become eligible to join the CoZ organization, and begin collaborating on projects. The governance process of this organization can be found here.


Since its inception, the CoZ Council has been in close contact with the NEO Council. The NEO Council provides support to the community, in the form of NEO rewards, which CoZ redistributes weekly.

For individuals who are interested in financially supporting CoZ development, our donation address is AXSoNQEKjmqPBNPg5cNrHyWivfjok3Vj9D.

For transparency, CoZ Council members are excluded from weekly NEO rewards, and any CoZ competitions. This week, 217 NEO were awarded for the contributions to the NEO ecosystem.

Week in Review

dApp Competition:

Registration for the second CoZ dApp competition opens on 25 January 2018! Learn more on the official website.

Help us attract the amazing talent out there that don’t really know about NEO yet. Please print this poster and spread across the technical Colleges and Universities near you.

Download the PDF here


Stack Exchange:

We need experienced Stack Exchange users (with more than 200 reputation) that want to be active in our community, to commit to the proposal. You can do so here.

Development Updates

Contributions now follow the new format done together with the CoZ contributors.


Review and security audit of new consensus code required before CoZ nodes on mainet.



  • Added support to call TestInvoke on NEP5 smart contracts
  • Added console demo (query address balances and interact with NEP5 contracts)
  • Added demo for Unity (interacting with NEO wallets and contracts inside a game running on Unity engine)
  • Updated Neo.Lux Nuget package to version 0.2



  • Update NeonWallet.com links to 0.0.9
  • Update readme + new wallet screenshot
  • Fix floating point problems by moving everything to strings and using bignumber.jsincreasing
  • Fix the MAX button bug
  • Add NEO formatting to dashboard
  • Fix warning display logic when sending to transaction-less addresses
  • Replaced deep prop chaining with redux state lookup for Address component & added tests.
  • Fixed assets linking to wrong block explorer URLs.
  • Added details for multi-asset sends (NEO + GAS) to transaction history.
  • Fixed transaction history fetching from localhost on first load.
  • Added ability to remove recipients when sending assets/tokens.
  • re-enable NEP5 for ledger transactions
  • Fixed bug sending large numbers
  • manual QA testing for the latest releases


  • Updated NEO compiler to parity with latest official version
  • Updated Neo.Emulator Nuget package to version 0.4



  • fix BinaryReader and up coverage
  • fix BinaryWriter and up coverage
  • move /Cryptography/and KeyPair from neo-python
  • MerkleTree Trim and add full test coverage of MerkleTree.py#22
  • improve error reporting of UIntBase #24
  • PR #9: Intial move of of UInt*, Fixed8 and neo.IO.Binary* from neo-python to neocore
  • PR #14: Travis-CI: Test neocore code also with the current development branch of neo-python, to make sure everything still works in the full neo-python test suite.



  • AccountViewModel covered by UnitTests
  • Adjust usings to new folder structure
  • CreateLockAccountViewModelTests
  • Added Travis CI support, which automatically runs the unit test suite when the repository receives commits or pull requests
  • Code cleanup


  • Refactor RPC API
  • Implement Account.get, Asset.get, Block.hash, Block.sys_fee, RemoteNode#connection_count, Contract.get, RemoteNode#mempool, Transaction.get, Transaction::Output.get, RemoteNode#peers, RemoteNode#version, and Account.validate.
  • All get* RPC functions are complete.


  • small change to improve API endpoint



What’s a hash and what’s the point?


  • Initial design of load balanced system for CoZ nodes and APIs to handle increasing load from ICOs.


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