Proof of Impact and Cordaid Announce Partnership aimed at tokenizing Health Outputs in Ethiopian Health Centers and Hospitals

This initiative is supported by The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Iulian Circo
Proof of Impact
2 min readMay 6, 2019


Photo Credit: Cordaid

May 7, 2019

Cape Town, South Africa, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia —

Cape Town, South Africa, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — Proof of Impact and Cordaid today announced a partnership, that aims to support the Oromia Regional Health Bureau by funding health outputs across health centres and t hospitals in Ethiopia.

Tokenized health outputs

In this partnership, Cordaid is facilitating health outputs, like infant immunizations, across health centres and hospitals in Ethiopia using a performance-based financing model supported by the Netherlands Embassy. Proof of Impact is providing technology to help validate and verify data that proves the successful delivery of health outputs. The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other stakeholders will be able to link the verified health data directly to funding. This secure process is called tokenization and enables a new and innovative performance-based financing model.

Impact Investing

Proof of Impact will also help develop innovative economic models and financial products that will allow private capital to flow towards impact delivery as part of a global impact capital marketplace.

This program and partnership are supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Addis Ababa and exemplifies their commitment towards innovation in impact implementation, using technology to create broad, transparent and more sustainable impact.

Iulian Circo, Proof of Impact Co-founder, says “This partnership is a milestone and a global premiere in performance-based financing models. We are applauding the leadership of Cordaid and The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs in driving the application of exponential technology and innovative economic models in their quest for impact and sustainability.”

About Proof of Impact

Proof of Impact, a Tech Startup headquartered in Amsterdam, is creating a global impact marketplace where you can donate or invest directly into measurable impact outcomes. The marketplace allows impact sellers to deliver verifiable impact events at an individual level, and sell them directly to impact buyers. By connecting impact sellers with buyers, sellers can monetize their efforts and buyers can achieve individual impact attribution.


Related: Cordaid: Performance based financing program in Ethiopia expands to coffee growing highlands


