The Weight Loss and Wellbeing Study

Matthew Amsden
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2019

Starting this January, ProofPilot is happy to highlighting one study each month we feel deserves your attention as both a participant and a potential research designer. Take a look. Join the studies as a participant, learn about yourself, earn rewards and contribute to knowledge. Or, use it as inspiration to design and launch your own study.

January’s Highlighted Study: The Weight Loss and Wellbeing Study. Join now on ProofPilot.

It’s only a couple of weeks into 2019, and we might already be a bit disappointed with the results of our new year’s weight loss resolutions. Dieting is hard. It makes you hangry when we don’t have the food we want. And, discouraged when we step on the scale and see our lack of progress.

Enter the first ProofPilot study from the Swedish diet app, Lifesum. Based on the data Lifesummer’s share, data analysts at Lifesum know users lose weight. In fact, dedicated users lose an average of 5% of their body weight over 12 weeks.

Lifesum, based in Stockholm, is a diet tracking and lifestyle app which tracks what you eat and your exercise. It has almost 20 million registered users across the world. There are lots of diet and exercise tracking apps on the market. Lifesum sets itself apart by being “the world’s most curious health company.” Their use of ProofPilot furthers that mission.

Researchers are finding increasing evidence that our mental health has an outsized impact on our physical health, and our ability to make and sustain healthy lifestyle change.

Lifesum wants to understand what people learn and how they are feeling during the 12-week weight loss process. The results may help app designers create more holistic weight loss programs.

Interested participants may register and enroll for the study directly on ProofPilot. As part of the 12-week study, participants will receive free access to premium Lifesum features including personalized diet plans. Over 12 weeks participants will answer questions about their nutrition knowledge, body measurements, and mental wellbeing. Participants will also receive reminder and notifications from ProofPilot to track their weight and diet in the Lifesum app.

Pauline Vercruysse and Andreas Montelius, data scientists at Lifesum’s headquarters put this study together using ProofPilot’s visual protocol designer. Pauline’s previous work focused on the links between neuroscience and diabetes at various institutions across Europe. Andreas holds a Ph.D. in molecular neurobiology and has conducted research on exercise physiology.

ProofPilot chose to highlight for reasons beyond the typical “New Year’s Weight Loss” trend. The study is visually beautiful. ProofPilot believes it is essential to create a strong, attractive brand for studies using attractive well thought out visuals. This study shows how attractive a study can look with just a little extra attention. Every task intro page is branded with Lifesum illustrations.

Food as medicine is an important mission at ProofPilot. Mental health and wellbeing as it relates to physical health also ranks high among areas ProofPilot feels are understudied. This is all combined with an award-winning digital health app bringing both core ancestral needs with the latest technological advances.

Join the Study on ProofPilot

Originally published at on January 17, 2019.



Matthew Amsden

CEO of ProofPilot. Research, productivity, health startups and tech.