Proof Trading Progress Update: 3 Years

Daniel Aisen
Proof Reading
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2022

As we hit our 3 year anniversary and enter 2022, this marks a new phase for Proof. We released our main algo last month (simply called Proof), a liquidity seeking/impact minimization algo. This algo is the culmination of several years of research into impact minimization, combined with the market microstructure expertise our team has built up over our entire careers. We are very proud to have hit this milestone, and we are excited to see how it performs in the real-world. We no longer consider our trading platform to be “in beta,” and we are now ready to expand beyond our initial group of pilot customers (to whom we are eternally grateful!). For the next few months, our focus will be iterating on the two algos and ramping up distribution.

Major updates from Q4 2021

Goals from our previous update


Continue integrations with the EMS vendors used by the next pilot customers.

  • (10/10) We went fully live with Eze OMS and Virtu Triton this quarter.

Create a comprehensive performance test harness, that will help identify future enhancements to the capacity and scalability of the platform.

  • (5/10) We made good progress on some fronts and have yet to tackle the others. We expect this to be an ongoing process.


Finish testing and release the second algo.

  • (10/10) We released the Proof algo in production in December!

Publish research on the second algo design, information leakage, and our internal TCA stats.

  • (4/10) We put out a whitepaper on the impact minimization research underlying the Proof algo. We plan to publish research on information leakage and TCA design next.

Continue to analyze data from early trading activity and incorporate any resulting lessons into the process of improving the algos (this one pretty much always applies).

  • (5/10) This will be our main focus next quarter now that the Proof algo is released.


Go live with at least 5 pilot customers, and develop our day 2 sales strategy.

  • (9/10) As of last quarter, we are fully live with 5 pilot customers, and we have developed a day 2 sales strategy.

Publish our new trading data privacy policy.

  • (5/10) Our trading data privacy policy has been developed, but we haven’t published it yet. We plan to do so this month.

Launch a new website and a new framework for how we think about progress and goals going forward.

  • (9/10) We launched our new website in December! We no longer have a “goals/progress” section on there like we did pre-launch. It would be nice to have a tracker there as well, but for now we think these quarterly updates suffice. We are very happy with Han’s re-design!


Hire one or more Senior Software Engineers (or even a VP of Engineering, if we can find the right person).

  • (10/10) We hired a Senior Software Engineer who starts later this week — we are very excited! We would ideally like to add two or three additional engineering hires in the next six months.

Goals for the next 3 months


  • Hire 2 additional engineers. For now, we’re looking for senior candidates that are familiar with US equities. Please reach out here if interested.
  • Explore the possibility of productizing our core technology platform.
  • Begin work on a client portal.
  • Enhance resilience and scalability of the trading system.


  • Increased focus on metrics: iterate on high-level metrics to try enhance robustness and meaning, and continue to develop mid- and low-level metrics that are robust while also ensuring they meet the privacy requirements of our data policy and can be shared externally.
  • Iterate on the algos based on performance and client feedback.


  • Significantly ramp up our sales efforts, now that we have a stable platform and our “full” offering. We would like to have at least 5–10 new clients enter the onboarding process this quarter.
  • Publish our new trading data privacy policy and pricing policy.


  • Successfully complete our annual audit.

