A small history of failed European propaganda

Propaganda by the People
Propaganda by the People
3 min readMay 30, 2016

Actually, most people dislike the word propaganda. Propaganda makes them think of wars, of dictatorships, of ideological regimes and Ministries of Information. That’s all true. But concealing words like ‘communication’ and ‘narrative’ don’t make propaganda go away. Deal with it. And in the age of communication, the EU doesn’t really know how to deal with it.

United in Diversity is the official slogan of the EU. It is a good thought, if you don’t look at the design here. It reflects the fact that the EU is a peace project and that to be united it has and had to deal with a lot of differences, in ethnicity, culture, habits, etc. But is it good propaganda? How does this slogan appeal to you? Does it reflect your Europe, your life, your relation with Europe? ‘Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.’ Well done, USA. You want to relate to that. The EU, thanks to it being united in diversity, is a source of half-baked compromises that subsequently are completely inconsequential. Our pet subject: the Euro bills. Has any nation on earth, any union on earth, especially if it’s a region or nation of incredible richness in art, culture, history like Europa, dared to publish bills that represent it’s publisher that bad? How does Europe even dare, when it has nature, villages, towns and cities, monuments, writers, thinkers — you name it — that are known throughout the world, to publish fake buildings on its bills that vaguely represent different architectural styles of European art history. It’s a terrible mistake. Imagine — in the long run — a collection of bills and coins with the best of Europe marvelously printed on it. But united diversity led to a weak compromise.

There are tens, possibly hundreds of these examples to be found. When you agree with the idea that a united Europe can be better for Europe than the opposite, then you might as well agree that Europe needs better propaganda, at least better means in selling itself. But, it looks like Europe fails. Have a small look:

Say no more.

We need new propaganda. As soon as possible. Hereunder you see work of a student of ours. If we could at least make him head of the EU propaganda department, things would work out better (check the original Europa-saga as a background). But for now, we’re doing it ourselves. On our website. Join us. Let’s reclaim Europe.



Propaganda by the People
Propaganda by the People

What does your Europe look like? This project allows thousands of people to contribute to a new narrative and visuals — propaganda by the people.