5 Insights of Propaganda

Alex Montville
Propaganda COM 416 Fall
2 min readDec 1, 2023

Through taking this class I have come across many different facts that have broadened my understanding of propaganda. I believe that I had a basic understanding of what propaganda was before taking this course. Now I can say I have a much better idea of what it is and the various forms that it can take in our world. I have come with about 5 insights that I have found to be the most impactful on my newfound understanding on this subject.

The fist insight that I choose is the history of propaganda. I knew that the Nazis used propaganda to spread their message across more than Germany. What I learned from this unit is what techniques they used to get the reaction that they were looking for out of their citizens. Next, we studied the concept of election propaganda. This is something that I have become more familiar with since becoming of age to vote. This unit discussed the different types of campaign promotions that are put out to boost a candidate up and some that tear the other candidates down. Third there was the unit about conspiracy theories. I had learned about conspiracy theories prior to this class, but what the unique takeaway I had was when we debated if conspiracy theories should be taught in school. Then there was patriotism vs nationalism. Much like the history, I had an idea of what these two concepts meant, but after further learning it turns out there is a good, bad, and ugly side to them. Lastly, the final insight I gained came from the unit on propaganda in entertainment. This is something that I didn’t realize was affecting me from a very early age.

This was a very fun assignment to complete and to understand my thoughts further read my essay here.

