9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Harmful Propaganda

Liana Antonelli
Propaganda COM 416 Fall
5 min readNov 9, 2023


By Liana Antonelli

Today, we’re going to discuss an issue that continues to impact our society and our nation, the 9/11 conspiracy theories. While these theories may intrigue some, it’s essential to recognize that they are harmful propaganda, causing significant damage to our collective well-being and the unity of our nation.

First, let’s discuss the harmful nature of 9/11 conspiracy theories. These theories often suggest that the tragic events of September 11, 2001, were part of a grand, sinister plot by our government or other entities. They promote mistrust and skepticism toward official accounts, fostering a climate of suspicion.

Example 1: “Inside Job”

Some supporters of the 9/11 conspiracy movement believe it was an “inside job”, orchestrated by the United States government.

Believers of this conspiracy believe that President Bush and the United States government had prior intelligence about possible terrorist attacks and chose not to act on the information. This video from TikTok that is shown in the first image of the voice over video argues President Bush used 9/11 as a pretense to invade the Middle East in order to access oil reserves, and to increase surveillance of US citizens using legislation such as the Patriot Act.

EXAMPLE 2: Jews did 9/11

One insidious conspiracy that is promoted to spread anti-Semitism is the belief that the “Jews did 9/11”. This conspiracy is a modern-day update of historic anti-Semitic tropes that accuse Jewish people of committing evil acts for financial and political gain. Many of these conspiracies are promoted within far-right extremist circles, but wider belief about Jewish complicity in the 9/11 attacks can be found in more mainstream spaces.

Here’s why these theories are both ridiculous and harmful:

Lack of Evidence: These conspiracy theories lack any credible evidence to support their claims. They rely on hearsay, conjecture, and misinterpretations of events to create a false narrative. In contrast, extensive investigations have provided substantial evidence of the actual events surrounding 9/11, which point to the terrorist group al-Qaeda as the responsible party.

Fueling Anti-Semitism: The notion that “the Jews did 9/11” is not only false but deeply anti-Semitic. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices against Jewish people, leading to discrimination and hate crimes. Associating a whole community with a heinous act is not only baseless but also morally reprehensible.

Disrespecting Victims and First Responders: Such conspiracy theories show a blatant disrespect for the victims of the 9/11 attacks and the heroic efforts of first responders who risked their lives to save others. These theories divert attention from the tragedy that occurred on that day and undermine the memory of those who lost their lives.

Promoting Division: Ridiculous conspiracy theories further divide society. They pit believers against those who rely on credible evidence and expert investigations. This division weakens the unity that is essential for a healthy and functioning society.

In summary, ridiculous 9/11 conspiracy theories like “the Jews did 9/11” or “President Bush did 9/11” are not only devoid of evidence but also harmful propaganda. They promote division, disrespect victims, and undermine trust in government institutions, all while fueling dangerous prejudices. It’s crucial to base our understanding of significant events like 9/11 on credible information and respect for the truth and those affected by the tragedy.

It’s crucial to recognize that 9/11 conspiracy theories are harmful propaganda. They disrespect the memory of the victims, spread misinformation, divide our society, and can even harm our national security. We must be critical thinkers and rely on credible sources of information when discussing these important historical events. Only through accurate and informed discussions can we continue to heal and unite as a nation.

Thank you!

Reflective Essay:

Choosing the topic of 9/11 conspiracy theories and their harmful impact on society was a deeply personal and intriguing decision. I wanted to explore this subject due to its significance and the pervasive influence of conspiracy theories in our modern world. It was an enlightening and eye-opening experience that left me with a profound understanding of the dangers these theories pose and how they affect our society.

My interest in this topic was driven by the desire to delve into the realm of harmful propaganda and its consequences. Conspiracy theories often garner a cult-like following and can impact not just individuals but entire communities. I was intrigued by the question of why these theories gain traction and what makes them so compelling to some people. This led me to dig deeper into the world of 9/11 conspiracy theories, a topic that has been both widely debunked and passionately embraced by various groups.

During my research, I found myself genuinely enjoying the process. I felt a sense of purpose in unearthing the truth behind these theories and exposing their falsehood. The subject matter was both challenging and rewarding, as it required me to sift through mountains of information, separate fact from fiction, and critically evaluate sources. I discovered the power of credible evidence and the importance of using it to counter unfounded claims.

My creative process was a very interesting journey. I compiled a vast amount of information and struggled with the overwhelming volume of data because I could talk about a lot of things but needed to keep it close to 4min for the voice over. That was one of the only challenges I faced.

I found that drawing attention to the harmful consequences of these theories, including their contribution to anti-Semitism and their potential to undermine public trust, made the narrative more engaging and relatable to the reader like myself.

While working on this project, I encountered struggles in maintaining a balanced perspective. It was essential to address the topic critically without resorting to personal bias or judgment. To achieve this, I relied on fact-checking and finding credible sources. I also encountered the challenge of handling sensitive issues such as anti-Semitism and prejudice, which required a delicate approach when speaking about this in the voice over to be respectful.

My exploration of 9/11 conspiracy theories and their harmful impact on society was an enlightening and thought-provoking journey. I chose this topic because of its significance and the lessons it offers about the power of credible evidence, the dangers of misinformation, and the need to stand against harmful propaganda. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project, even with its challenges, as it broadened my understanding of the consequences of conspiracy theories. This experience has left me with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of these conspiracies theories.

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