Abbey Ross- Screencast/ Propaganda

Abbey Ross
Propaganda COM 416 Fall
4 min readOct 31, 2023

I am having some trouble attaching and sharing the screencast so I may just email the video, however my script was more informal and focused on the representations and associations with marijuana. The piece of propaganda I provided is from a 1936 movie poster that depicted marijuana as a “party drug” and influential on risky actions taken by users. Throughout history, there has been a negative connotation associated with marijuana. Beliefs formulated in the past, without scientific research and explanations for why users may use cannabis, often circulate around the high that is associated with the drug. These beliefs disregard the medicinal aspects of the plant and focus on the negative drug use aspect. Many claim users are lazy and not driven, awarding users the title of “stoner.” Some more modern films such as “Cheech and Chong” or “Pineapple Express” solely depict the more comedic side of the drug, presenting characters that function in absurd ways due to being under the influence. This association and types of stereotypical remarks are based on generational assumptions that have failed to be fully diminished. Many films and different forms of media portray individuals that partake in marijuana in a negative way that contributes to a poor reputation for users. While not all users partake in marijuana for medical benefits, inaccurate depictions of individuals who do harms the reputation of the drug and users partaking for the benefits. This is harmful because it is a generalization of people that does not accurately depict all aspects of usage. Overtime, marijuana has become far more normalized, and has begun to be used for everyday ailments such as migraines, joint pain, and mental illness. While the representations of individuals that use marijuana in media fail to present accuracy, society has become more accepting of the recreational drug and its benefits. Propaganda regarding marijuana has been limited due to more understanding regarding what the drug can do, however propaganda opposing marijuana remains present if looked for today.

I selected this piece of propaganda because it strongly denotes disapproval and rejection of marijuana. This piece draws viewers in with appealing aesthetic and colors that are darker, representing the darker and more daring aspects of partaking in marijuana. The creator of this piece sought to highlight the risky behavior associated with the drug during this time by making false claims and inaccurate representations of users. For example, the woman shown on the poster appears incoherent and slightly asleep while wearing something scandalous. One may infer she uses marijuana and partakes in the “party” lifestyle presented in the propaganda. The claims made on the piece are a fallacy and rely on the opinion of the creator; one not in support of marijuana usage. Whilst the piece of propaganda is dated and relies on interpretation of the drug during that time period, there are many statements and associations made without credibility or fact. For example, associating marijuana with “wild parties” and “orgies” solely because it is considered a drug. There is a lack of understanding regarding the different effects and different strains of marijuana in this piece of propaganda, as almost every marijuana user would not consider the drug to be a “party” drug but more so a relaxing and creative aid. In addition to finding interest in the depiction of marijuana and marijuana users during this time, I personally relate to the fallacies presented and the stereotypes associated with users. I have depression and anxiety, and while I have tried different anti-depressants and coping mechanisms, marijuana has allowed my mind to ease in a natural way that benefits my mentality overall. My parents were initially hesitant, as their beliefs towards cannabis resonated with this piece of propaganda, considering marijuana a party drug, and not believing in medicinal effects. Overtime, they have grown more supportive due to exposure to the effects, and an understanding of how the drug works on the mind. Individuals become more accepting when they delve into a topic or idea and disregard propaganda that is opinionated and stereotypical.

Similarly, I selected this piece because I had the poster hung up in my room last year as a form of irony. Being a user of cannabis for medicinal purposes, I found it comedic that marijuana had this negative “party” association and chose to hang the piece in a more lighthearted manner. I enjoy graphics and this piece is composed of deep colors and a vintage presence that is appealing, despite the inaccuracy.

Whilst completing this assignment, I found the platform “Screen pal” to be slightly challenging in terms of uploading and alternating images. I uploaded the piece of propaganda as a background for my dialogue, as a means of referring to it and having the piece viewable by users whilst speaking. It was challenging using a scripted piece of writing to fit into the time limit, therefore I summarized what I was going to say and analyzed the piece in a more hands on and casual manner. I enjoyed analyzing this piece as it is relatable and can be interpreted in many ways based on opinions towards the drug, as well as the time period in which individuals have formed beliefs towards the drug. Overall, I enjoyed this assignment and find analysis of propaganda in media whether it is a graphic or a film to be vital in understanding how shaped ideas are perceived by the public.

