Propaganda COM 416 Fall
6 min readSep 28, 2023

“Your Voice Matters: Taking Action Against Gun Violence”

Blog Written By: Alex DeRiggi

In the wake of devastating mass shootings, our hearts are heavy, and we share in the grief and frustration that many of you are feeling. Gun violence is undeniably a public health crisis, and it’s crucial that we address it as such. Together, we can make a difference and create a world free from the fear of gun violence. Here’s how you can find your power and contribute to this vital cause:

I. REGISTER TO VOTE One of the most effective ways to bring about lasting change is by voting for leaders who support common-sense gun laws. If you’re 18 or older, registering to vote is your first step. Make sure to check your polling location and familiarize yourself with the candidates. The upcoming primaries and November midterms are opportunities to make your voice heard.

II. HOLD YOUR LAWMAKERS ACCOUNTABLE Channel your anger, frustration, and grief into action by holding our lawmakers accountable. Contact your US Representatives and US Senators and urge them to support common-sense gun laws. It’s crucial to remind them of their responsibility to address this crisis.

III. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF It’s normal to feel overwhelmed during these challenging times. Remember to prioritize self-care and seek support if needed. You don’t have to go through this alone. If you need someone to talk to immediately, visit our partner organization, Crisis Text Line, for their anonymous 24/7 crisis hotline. Additionally, explore DoSomething’s Mental Health Resources Hub for a variety of accessible coping and self-care resources tailored to your needs.

Your voice, your actions, and your resilience matter. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against gun violence. Let’s work towards a safer future where everyone can live without the fear of gun violence. Register to vote, hold lawmakers accountable, and remember to take care of yourself as we navigate these challenging times. Your power is the catalyst for change.

Creating propaganda with the goal of persuading people to act against gun violence was a difficult endeavor, but seeing the results of my efforts was quite rewarding. The campaign’s goal was to persuade people to get active in the battle against gun violence. My goal was to create a message that could be comprehended by a wide range of people and to motivate individuals to take important steps toward bringing about change in their own lives. In this piece, I will discuss the creative choices and approaches I used, as well as the audience I targeted, the use of propaganda themes, and my personal feelings on the event. In addition, I will cover the target audience. I’ll start by describing the reader demographic I’m hoping to target.

The core demographic group that this propaganda operation aimed to influence through civic participation was young adults and those who had reached the age of majority and were entitled to vote. These people were targeted because their engagement in civic activities was viewed as a means of gaining influence. People in this group usually have strong opinions on a wide range of social issues and are motivated to make positive changes in the areas in which they live. Furthermore, the message was designed to reach people who have been personally or indirectly been affected by gun violence. This is because those afflicted by gun violence have the ability to be strong champions for social change, and the message was intended to reach them.

The decisions I made and the paths I took when brainstorming ideas prompted me to title this essay the same as the original propaganda I viewed, “Your Voice Matters: Taking Action Against Gun Violence.” I created this to convey the idea that individuals have the potential to take action, and that the role their voices play in the process of effecting change is critical. Furthermore, I wanted to communicate the idea that people are capable of initiating change on their own. I created the blog because I wanted the content to be approachable and factual. A second point I wanted to emphasize is that each of us has the power to be a catalyst for positive change. The structure of a blog was chosen because of its user-friendliness and ability to disseminate information and resources in a clear and well-organized manner. Another rationale for going with this structure was that blogs are more casual than standard websites. It enabled the use of both written material and visuals, which increased the overall impact of the message being communicated and made both possible.

The information was meticulously crafted with the goal of recognizing the seriousness of the problem while also conveying to the audience a message of positivity and empowerment. Each section outlined particular steps that should be followed, such as contacting elected officials in one’s town, registering to vote, and prioritizing one’s personal health and well-being. When establishing this technique, the emotional toll that confronting the subject of gun violence may have on individuals was considered. As a result of this realization, the strategy attempted to strike a balance between activism and self-care in order to mitigate the emotional toll that discussing gun violence can have on individuals.

In terms of applying propaganda principles, despite the fact that propaganda is sometimes linked with a negative connotation, it was employed as a tool for positive change within the scope of this study. This was done because propaganda was viewed as a technique of bringing about positive change. This is due to the fact that false information is frequently distributed through the use of propaganda, which is the primary cause of this problem. Some propaganda elements, such as emotional appeal, simplicity, believability, and repetition, are used in this case.

The message’s goal was to trigger strong emotions such as grief and frustration from the audience in order to emotionally connect with them and motivate them to take action. It also intended to instill hope in people. It was required to take these steps in order to achieve these goals. The steps in the call-to-action were offered in a clear and brief manner to make it as easy as possible for readers to take immediate action on the subject matter. The employment of a real author, served to establish the message’s validity. This was accomplished by imbuing the message with more legitimacy by employing a fictional author. The premise that a single person’s actions can affect a large number of people was hammered home throughout the blog with the theme “Your voice matters.” [Your] opinion is important. The goal was to emphasize that a single person’s actions can have a significant impact on the greater picture of how things are in a society.

In terms of how I felt about the experience, one of the highlights for me was being able to apply my creative abilities to the goal of contributing to the settlement of a serious problem that our society is currently facing. Especially one that I have been looking forward to reading into and understanding on a deeper level. One of the highlights for me was being able to contribute to the solution of a problem that our society is currently facing. It was a rewarding experience to be able to develop a message that had the ability to persuade people to make positive changes and give them with the opportunity to act. Furthermore, being able to do so was quite fulfilling. However, striking a balance between the emotional weight of the subject matter and the desire for a message that was both encouraging and constructive proved difficult. This was a problem because there was a strong need for a message that was both uplifting and actionable. Because the subject matter was emotionally charged, the message needed to reflect the gravity of the issue. This event highlighted the responsibility that comes with having the ability to create propaganda because of its ability to change people’s minds and inspire them to act!

Sources Cited:

“Gun Violence Is a Public Health Crisis.” DoSomething.Org, Accessed 28 Sept. 2023.

