Nickels & Dimes Can Save Lives!

Liana Antonelli
Propaganda COM 416 Fall
4 min readSep 29, 2023

Propaganda can be a powerful tool for getting the word out and shaping public opinions. Among the various forms of propaganda, posters stand out as an accessible and impactful medium. These visually compelling messages have been used for decades to convey important messages and information, inspire action, and raise awareness about a wide range of issues. Whether the goal is to promote social change or advocate for a cause, posters have a unique ability to capture people’s attention and convey messages in a simple yet compelling way.

I decided to choose the recent floods in Libya and how it is affecting the population physically and mentally. I chose this topic because I felt as though many countries are overlooked and do not get much attention when they are in desperate need of help. I wanted to create a poster that was captivating to the audience about the problem at hand. I used a photo that I felt was emotional and moving to try to connect with the audience. My main goal was to help spread the word about the recent flood in Libya and to try to encourage donations towards this matter. My target audience was people from the United States due to the international partnership that they have with Libya. My other target audience was people 30 years and older with a stable income and are interested in donating to another country that has just faced a major disaster. I chose this age range and socioeconomic class because the majority of those who are over the age of 30 will be more inclined to donate.

In a recent CNN report published on September 11, 2023, the focus is on the devastating flooding that has destroyed Libya, highlighting the worsening climate crisis. The consequences of this flood were nothing short of catastrophic for Libya’s population. More than 5,000 people are presumed dead and thousands of Libyans found themselves displaced from their homes, dealing with the loss of livelihoods, and facing a major shortage of clean water and food. Vulnerable groups, including children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions, were disproportionately affected by this disaster. Access to healthcare and other facilities became increasingly limited, which is why Libyans need our help.

The article also touches on the international response to the crisis, with both local and international organizations, like the The Libyan Red Crescent and Doctors Without Borders. I decided to focus on advertising Doctors Without Borders in my poster because I feel though it is a well known organization as many people are leary about donating to organizations they don’t recognize. Our efforts are crucial, the scale of the disaster has stretched the resources of these organizations, emphasizing the need for additional support from the global community. I am hoping this propaganda poster I created will encourage the world to give donations to any organizations that support Libya.

I chose to do a poster because I felt as though it would be fun for me because I enjoy being creative and I am interested in graphic design. I also remembered what we learned in class that sometimes posters can be the most effective form of propaganda especially when you create a piece that is straightforward and sends a strong message. I really enjoyed creating this poster for this specific cause seeing as natural disasters are on the rise and impacting so many lives in a negative way. I honestly struggled reading some articles and statistics on this matter because they were heartbreaking. So many lives have been taken and it seems as though those who are trying to help are quickly running out of resources. Something that I struggled with during this project is choosing the right colors and fonts. I wanted to be able to create a poster that would stick out to people but also create something that was effective. I decided to go with all bold capital letters throughout the poster to show that this is an important and urgent matter. I also had trouble with what to include for writing on the poster because I did not want to put too much as not a lot of people will read a poster with a lot of writing. I tried to include powerful words and focus on encouraging people to donate. Overall, I really enjoyed this project and I feel as though I learned a lot about Libya and the recent flooding. DONATE TO LIBYA TODAY!

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