Leap 3 Assignment-Melissa Tilley

Melissa Tilley
Propaganda COM416
Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2023
I chose this meme becuase I though it was funny and ironic. We just “graduated” from this course and while I definitely do not know everything I feel like I learned a lot and will remember and apply the curriculum to everyday life.

Throughout this course, everything we have learned about propaganda has taken us on a journey throughout time. From propaganda in the early ages all the way to present day in elections, film, news, and social media. I have learned so much more than I ever thought I would, and my perspective has changed immensely. I think to recognize types of propaganda in the present time, you need to recognize it in the past. Therefore one of the first things from this course that stuck with me was the propaganda used in The Great War, jumping up to learning about fake news, deep fakes, identifying the difference between propaganda and persuasion, and lastly conspiracy theories. Although I could list many more, these are the topics that I felt were the most beneficial to me learning, prepared me more for living in this technological society, and what I just found the most interesting in general. I feel as though I benefited a lot from this class and have a more mindful perspective on recognizing propaganda. I feel like it won’t be as easy for me to be manipulated or influenced by it now.


