Leap 3 Will Peterman

Propaganda COM416
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2023


To be brutally honest, the above image is a clear reflection of how my mind felt a few times over the course of this semester. Going into COM 416, I was under the impression I would not take away too much when it was all said and done. Having gone through online courses on repeat here at URI during the pandemic times, I wasn’t all that enthused either to enter the course either. However, I can say that with graduation nearing and school coming to a close, I feel appreciative of what I have learned from this course.

On a few occasions, I struggled to wrap my head around certain topics that were raised in the modules, or I missed a Thursday deadline and had to play catch up which is never fun. I strongly feel that the Leap projects were enjoyable, especially this last third one. Many factors of propaganda were brought up over the course of this class, so narrowing it down to 5 was not easy. The way I approached it was to narrow it down to certain main topics, then see where those topics may branch out, which could help me uncover 5 specific insights that were both mentioned in class, but also important to me. To read about my Leap 3 essay, please check out the link below.

<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRNy7i_OVo5VtpFRSzfeREBhz0Vc_GETTw690xhJg7kYlZ_fSVBJv8qkVQ1aJxjLUcHrGukaej0v4Mv/pub?embedded=true"></iframe>

