Learn these 5 propaganda insights so you don't fall into the trap like many others

Sophie Tricarico
Propaganda COM416
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2023

Since propaganda is everywhere, I am thankful that this class has allowed me to develop skills and learn material to better identify propaganda and think for myself. Reality is based on our perceptions of the social world and propaganda is constantly trying to create and alter our perceptions. In my essay, you will read about the 5 insights on propaganda that I believe are the most beneficial for society to be informed on because I feel that they have impacted my propaganda radar the most. These insights include learning about different techniques propagandists use to persuade, personal propaganda for individualized entertainment, the significance of lies, the harmful effects of conspiracy theories, the dark side of propaganda, and how propaganda messages can cause unintended effects on society. Learning these insights in class has made me a more critical thinker and has allowed me to protect myself against harmful propaganda. Before taking this class I was aware of propaganda but I did not relaize how prevalent it was. I did not relaize it could be found in advertising, education, entertainment, journalism, public relations, government and politics, and in activism and advocacy. It really is everywhere, especially in the digital age. I am sure I have been affected by propaganda throughout the entirety of my life but just never had the tools necessary to detect when my beliefs were being altered. That being said I think propaganda can be both beneficial and harmful. Using propaganda for good may be able to propel our society to reach goals that were never imaginable before the digital age. However, all of these pros do not seem to outweigh the cons of the harmful side of propaganda. The only way to lessen the negative effects of propaganda is to create awareness of the strategies propagandists use to alter our beliefs and perceptions. Creating a society that can critically think for itself and notice when propaganda is being used will benefit our quality of life greatly.


