Megan Canning Leap #2

Megan Canning
Propaganda COM416
Published in
5 min readMar 31, 2023

Voice Over Script

Slide #1

I should never get covid because I am fully vaccinated right?

The propaganda that I chose was about the covid-19 vaccine. This image shows a guy from Willy Wonka looking at people who are all vaccinated. He is staring out wondering if everyone is going to realize that even though they are vaccinated, they are still getting covid. He is like looking through a crack or behind something because he knows more than everyone else.

This is showing propaganda because it is showing biased information. This information in the picture only helps one side of the vaccine debate whether or not to get it.

Slide #2

The audience intended for this piece of propaganda is anyone who is vaccinated and believes that everyone should be vaccinated.

This is the audience because the piece of propaganda is hating or making fun of those who took the vaccine. They want those who took it to feel stupid about it. They still got covid and they took the vaccine. It can also be intended for those who won’t take the vaccine. I think it can be also intended for them because they want more people to be educated on why not to take the vaccine. It is helping their side of the story and to be against it by all means. It’s really those who want to laugh at everyone else because they think they are better.

Slide #3

Next thing that I’m going to talk about is why is this propaganda harmful?

The propaganda that I chose is harmful because first off, it is giving false and misleading information. A lot of people who took the vaccine went into taking it knowing or believing that you can still get covid. This propaganda is trying to go against it because people who don’t get the vaccine think that people who got it are protected at all cost from getting covid. I mean they think it is totally hilarious that people who are 100% vaccinated are still getting covid. They aren’t understanding that the fact is the vaccine just helps limit how sick you get if you catch covid.

Another way this is harmful is its giving more attention to the vaccine and more ways it’s not really doing anything. Like if these people are all vaccinated, what does it matter if someone who is not vaccinated goes in the same room. It’s trying to show them that they still are able to contract covid but, they should be fine if their symptoms are not as bad as those who don’t have the vaccine. It just helps the other party showing that people with the vaccine are not smart or getting the vaccine does absolutely nothing.

Reflective Essay

The harmful propaganda that I chose is a meme about the covid vaccine. This meme is trying to show people that the covid vaccine is fake. It is making people believe that it did absolutely nothing because they are still getting covid. The whole idea that people who aren’t taking the vaccine is because they think it will do nothing. They don’t understand the fact that it is not 100% protective against covid but, instead helps lessen how sick you get like the symptoms. I choose this propaganda because it shows the stupidity around the vaccine. So many people are so against it for many reasons but this is one of the main reasons. Many people just are educated enough and just go straight to the bad. If people took time to learn more than maybe they would want to get the vaccine instead of preaching so badly about it. I also choose this meme as my harmful propaganda because it relays a strong message. The message many people want others to know is “why are people who are not vaccinated not allowed in the same room as those who are?” People who are vaccinated don’t like to be in the same room as those who aren’t. They think that it is endangering them and giving them covid. The vaccine is supposed to protect them from that but, it still doesn’t even if the room is just people who are fully vaccinated.

While making my script for this meme I really wanted to touch base on both sides why this is harmful. This meme is giving out false information. It is doing this by showing Willy Wonka laughing at those who are vaccinated because they are all getting sick. It is harmful because those who are thinking about maybe getting covid might not now. They will change their mind because either way they can still catch the virus. Then on the other hand it is going to help those who are vaccinated believe they shouldn’t even have ever got it or it’s stupid. This meme is harmful for both sides.

My creative process when making my screencast is that I want to show images that I was going to touch base. I don’t talk that much about either political party but this whole issue between those who think we should get vaccinated and those who don’t have anything to do with them. Democrats believe that everyone should get vaccinated and if they dont they aren’t going to be allowed places. Republicans think that vaccines are harming us and super bad because it does not protect you against anything but make you sicker. I chose to add a democratic symbol as one of my images because this meme is attacking those who believe the good in the vaccine. It is trying to make them feel stupid.

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