Stop Leaving Dogs In Cars

Megan Canning
Propaganda COM416
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2023

The propaganda that I choose to create is about hot dogs being left in cars. I wanted to create something that hits home to me. I am always all over the news about different stories about dogs being left in cars that are reaching over 100 degrees in temperature. These stories mainly end in the dog dying and the owner being arrested. I wanted to create awareness for these poor animals because they have no say and I feel bad for them. Parents of dogs I know sometimes don’t realize that the car is that hot because they were just in it. These dogs need to be treated just like babies. Like if you wont leave your baby in the hot car then you should not leave your dog. They are still a living being and deserve better.

I choose to create a poster for my propaganda that can be posted anywhere you want. Either it could be online through social media or like supermarkets outside. The main thing that I wanted to incorporate in my poster was to intensify it. This means making sure that your propaganda looks good and appeals to the eye. No one is going to listen to a flier or poster if it looks like crap. People want to read things that are appealing to them. Also in my propaganda I wanted to make sure that this poster is going to activate strong emotions. The whole idea of getting people to read and follow what you are saying needs to attack emotions. I choose to do my propaganda on dogs because dogs are the key to people’s hearts. According to Pets for Patriots it says “Studies have shown that even small interactions with dogs cause the human brain to produce oxytocin, a hormone often referred to as the “cuddle chemical.” Oxytocin increases feelings of relaxation, trust, and empathy while reducing stress and anxiety.” This shows that by me choosing a topic about dogs is going to cause people to listen to what is being said over something like trash or snakes. This is why I choose to do this topic and portray it like that.

I applied what I have learned in my propaganda class to this visual a lot. I learned in class that propaganda can either sway both ways. What I mean is I can put fake news into my propaganda or real information because both are super effective. The way I wanted to portray my message is by using glittering generalities. According to wikipedia i this means “A glittering generality or glowing generality is an emotionally appealing phrase so closely associated with highly valued concepts and beliefs that it carries conviction without supporting information or reason. Such highly valued concepts attract general approval and acclaim.” I did this by putting in a text box with a bright color behind it saying how hot a car can actually get. The phrase I used is “A car can rise up to 40 degrees in temperature about an hour.” This is going to help a person really understand that by just leaving their dog in a car for 20 min the temperature is still rising. Another thing that I learned from class about propaganda is to use images. I learned that images portray the message more than words sometimes. When you are passing a flier super quick is it much easier to understand images than standing there trying to read all the words. It is just like a powerpoint presentation. No one wants to sit through a presentation that is just slides covered in so many paragraphs.

During the process of creating my own propaganda I will say it is not easy. I have looked at a bunch of propaganda in this class and other classes before. I have also read and seen so many different versions of propaganda but never realized how much work really goes into making it. Something that I really enjoyed in this process was creating the images that went on my poster. I wanted to make sure to use super fun and engaging images but not over crowd my poster. Another thing that I enjoyed was choosing something that means something to me. I can totally relate to propaganda back in the day about war. Those people making those posters were super passionate about their country and that’s why they chose to create these posters. Something that I didn’t like about making my own propaganda is choosing what words I am going to put on the actual poster. I wanted to use stuff that was going to portray my message but not be overcrowded. The words that I choose on my poster are super eye grabbing because they get right to the points. That is something I didn’t like because I chose a topic that I could write so much about. Another thing that I didn’t like or thought was difficult during this process was picking a grabbing title. I wanted to make the audience laugh but also make sure it was going to get my point across not in a mean way. Like I didn’t want this to be a laughing moment but, at the same time it is what is going to target the audience.

After making this propaganda project I realized how much really goes into making propaganda. This project was super fun because we have been learning for the past week a bunch of different elements that go into making a project. My project was about not keeping dogs in hot cars.

Glittering generality. (2021, September 12). Wikipedia.

Why do dogs make us happy? (2017, September 11). Pets for Patriots.

