Reflection Summary

Propaganda COM416
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2023
#propagada #education #reflection #conspiracy #media

I thought the opportunity to write such an immersive reflection over this past semester was a great way to reminisce on what I have learned and experienced. In my reflection I wanted to cover all of the bases that really stuck with me and made an impact in my life. Because of this, I touched on a lot of different subjects in my paper which is something I knew I wanted to do from the start. I wanted to be able to share how much this course has impacted my perspective on things. Without too much detail, these “things” include how the media manipulates people without them knowing, how propaganda comes in numerous forms and possibly my favorite subject was the correlation between propaganda and conspiracy theories. In order to gather enough material regarding my key points, I took some time to go back through each week and remind myself of the other things I learned. By doing this I was able to gather more information than I would have otherwise been able to get. Also through this process I was able to find sources and examples that I was able to include to help evaluate my paper. Rewatching several videos and rereading quite a few articles allowed me to not only remind myself of what I learned, as I have already said, but to also show myself how my perspective on life has changed. All of these reminders revealed to me that I do not look at the media the same. Lastly, the meme I created is representative to me as an immense reflection and how so many things could have been propaganda in my past and I would have never known. I think the meme I created reflects this and allows plenty of relatability for myself. Also the tags I included were also added in reference to my deep reflection and journey through learning more about propaganda.

