Designing Microservices Architecture for Startups

Saad Hassan
Propelld Engineering
5 min readMay 6, 2021


What is Microservice architecture?

As the name suggests, [micro][services] architecture is the way of breaking complex systems into smaller systems or processes (that's why the word micro) which are independent and loosely coupled in nature. These smaller systems and processes follow the single responsibility principle by Robert C. Martin which states “A class should have only one reason to change”. That responsibility can be based on domain or business-specific requirements.


Microservices architecture can be complex but it gives you long-term gains instead of shorter-term gain. Below are the benefits of the architecture

  • Smaller systems with independent development help in better development scaling. Also, these independent systems may not follow the same stack, you can choose a tech stack based on the complexity of these systems.
  • Horizontal scaling with faster deployments
  • Unlike monolithic, if service goes down, the entire application doesn’t stop functioning and therefore the risk of the entire system going down while introducing a new feature also goes down.
  • Smaller teams can work on domain-specific requirements and rollout features quickly.

