8 diet and lifestyle rules to follow every day

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2020

I love experimenting with my dietary habits. In the past I had a lot of snacks during the day. But at the moment I prefer to have 2–3 solid meals and keep “clean” gaps between them.

1. Every breakfast, lunch and dinner include vegetables. No vegetables — no lunch. Vegetables should be half of the meal or at least a third.

2. After dessert, I brush my teeth, and after eating berries and sour fruits, I rinse my mouth.

3. I do physical training that makes me sweat at least 15 minutes a day. I knew about this rule from detox quite long ago. Since then, I’ve been practicing such exercises regularly. You can do the following: jogging, squats, jumps, plank pose in yoga.

4. The break between dinner and breakfast the next day must be at least 12 hours. But I often increase this interval to 14 or even 16 hours. However, I always listen to my body. If I want to have a snack before bedtime, I do that.

5. In general, I allow myself everything: from potato chips to condensed milk. I shouldn’t associate food with anything forbidden. Otherwise, the feeling of guilt will lead to severe psychological stress. You can’t give up on new impressions or childhood nostalgia. Food should be joyful, not painful. When there are no prohibitions in your mind, and the digestive system has adapted to a healthy diet, you don’t want to eat junk food.

6. Every morning I drink a large glass of lemon water. This has been going on for over 10 years. As for me, lemon juice cannot be replaced with vinegar.

7. I like strong green tea, but if the tests show iron deficiency, I try to drink no more than one or two cups of green tea a week. Green tea, black tea and coffee can interfere with iron absorption. To get rid of this problem, I consume more greens and green juices. In this regard, the natural herbal supplement Floradix Liquid Iron is also very useful.

8. If I have stomach heaviness after a pizza or family dinner, I drink hot water with ginger, lemon and honey. In such situations, you can’t lie on the couch, you need to take a walk. Exercise always improves digestion (and mood as well).

These rules will help you keep your body in good shape. If you are far from ideal condition, give preference to a special complex that accelerates the fat burning process. Thanks to him, you will achieve weight loss quickly enough.

Of all the options I’ve tested, I can only recommend Unity. Just take one capsule a day after meals for a couple of months. This complex will improve the effectiveness of weight loss by 2 times. Click here, if you want to get to know Unity better.

I wish you all health and well-being!



Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

If diets were effective, they wouldn’t be great in number