Debunking Myths about Creativity

Asia Kustrzyńska
Properly Studio
5 min readAug 14, 2023


Often perceived as a spark of brilliance or a sudden burst of inspiration, creativity is, in fact, a complex process drawing from diverse experiences, knowledge, and perspectives to generate innovative ideas and solutions. Many people view it as a very desirable and positive attribute. They greatly admire those who exhibit creative thinking, often associating it with intelligence, ingenuity, and problem-solving abilities.

Unfortunately, creativity is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions, leading many to believe that it is a talent possessed by only a select few. A recent study found that roughly half of the 1261 surveyed participants believed in the accuracy of myths surrounding creativity. Associating this skill with good fortune may lead individuals to feel less motivated to invest effort in developing and nurturing their creativity. This article aims to debunk those myths and shed light on the truth: it’s a universal ability that can be activated and developed by anyone willing to explore their creative side. Let’s examine some of the most common misconceptions.

Myth #1: Creativity is an inborn talent

One of the most prevalent myths about creativity is that it is something people are either born with or without. This belief suggests that it’s reserved for a chosen few, leaving the rest of us to believe that we are stuck with a life lacking creative expression. However, research and evidence have consistently shown it’s not solely determined by genetics or inherent talent. A study conducted on identical twins implies that the genetics we inherit at birth may account for up to approximately 22% of our creative capabilities. While some people may naturally gravitate towards creative activities, it is ultimately a skill that can be improved through practice, experimentation, and a willingness to explore new ideas.

Myth #2: Creativity is limited to the arts

Another common misconception is that creativity is restricted to artistic fields such as painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument. While these activities certainly require creative this skill, creativity extends far beyond that. It is an ability that can be applied to problem-solving, innovation, entrepreneurship, scientific discovery, and even everyday tasks. Whether you’re finding a new solution to a complex problem at work or coming up with a creative recipe in the kitchen, creativity is an essential tool that can be put to use in all areas of life.

Myth #3: Creativity requires inspiration or a sudden epiphany

Many people believe that creativity can only be accessed through moments of big inspiration or sudden bursts of brilliance. This myth encourages the belief that creative ideas are unpredictable, leaving people to wait passively for inspiration to strike. However, the truth is that it doesn’t solely rely on inspiration but rather is a result of consistent effort which involves a combination of curiosity, persistence, and learning from one’s mistakes. By immersing ourselves in a creative process, exploring various ideas, and pushing through challenges, we can uncover new insights and innovative solutions.

Myth #4: Creativity thrives in solitude

While it is true that many creative individuals find comfort in solitude during the creative process, collaboration and the exchange of ideas can greatly enhance the output. This myth overlooks the power of collaboration, brainstorming, and sharing perspectives. When individuals come together, combining their unique skills, knowledge, and experiences, they can boost their creative potential and produce inventive results. By welcoming collaboration, we open ourselves up to a wide range of ideas and perspectives that can inspire and ignite our own creative thinking.

Myth #5: Mistakes and failures block creativity

Fear of making mistakes or experiencing failure is often a significant barrier to creativity. The belief that every endeavor must be flawless from the start suppresses experimentation and limits the exploration of new ideas. However, creativity thrives in an environment that embraces failure as a learning opportunity. Mistakes and failures provide valuable insights and feedback, helping us refine and improve the output. Embracing a growth mindset that welcomes setbacks as stepping stones to success can fuel our creative efforts and lead to great breakthroughs.

Myth #6: Children Are More Creative Than Adults

This belief suggests that as individuals grow older, their creative potential diminishes or becomes suppressed by societal norms and expectations. However, this idea overlooks the fact that creativity can take on various forms and thrive at any age. While children may show uninhibited imagination and a willingness to explore without constraints, adults possess unique advantages such as accumulated knowledge, life experiences, and problem-solving skills. Creativity in adults often takes on a different form, characterized by depth, complexity, and the ability to draw connections across a wide range of areas or fields. By eliminating the myth that children are inherently more creative, we can foster a greater appreciation for the diverse expressions of this skill across different stages of life and encourage adults to embrace and cultivate their potential.

Unleashing the Creative Power Within

Unleashing your creativity can be an exciting and fulfilling journey. By debunking the myths surrounding creativity and embracing the truth that it is a universal ability, we can unlock our creative potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery, innovation, and personal growth.

To free the creative power within yourself, it’s important to work on curiosity and an open mindset. You should welcome experimentation, embrace failure as a learning experience and celebrate the diversity of ideas. Engaging in activities that challenge us, seeking out collaboration and feedback, as well as surrounding ourselves with a supportive community can further enhance our creative journey.

So, let go of the myths that hold you back and dare to explore your own potential. The creative force that lies within you is waiting to be discovered, set free, and nurtured.

