4 Questions You’re Too Afraid to Ask a Realtor

Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2018

“There is no such thing as a stupid question.”

Since we were kids, we’ve all heard this phrase at least once in our lives. As a real estate agent, I am here to tell you this rule definitely applies within the world of real estate. In fact, I welcome all questions, no matter how “stupid” you might think they sound. This is because I’d rather have a fully informed buyer/ seller than one who is confused along the way.

My main priority is your trust so please — ask away!

Below are 4 questions I’ve gotten in the past that buyers and sellers were too afraid to ask but once asked, were happy they did!

1. I love to decorate my home during the holiday season. Is it ok to continue to do this even though I am selling my home?

Yes, it is ok to decorate your home when you are selling it. However, it should be done in moderation (i.e. maybe don’t be the house on the street that is trying to win the “most blow up snow men on the lawn award”). In other words, having a festive wreath or a few trees lit with holiday lights will create a fun and welcoming ambiance, but too much might overwhelm those coming to take a look at your house-for-sale. Keep it simple!

2. What is commission?

Real estate agents make 100% of their money from commission. Generally, 6% of the total sale price will go towards paying the Realtors involved in the transaction. The commission amount is agreed between the seller and the listing agent upon listing the home. The commission comes out of the sale price of the home upon closing, and is distributed between the Realtors.

3. I am a huge pet lover and have pets in my home. Can I keep them in the house during a open house?

While you are an animal lover, not everyone is. That said, it’s important to honor that there may be some potential buyers coming to visit your home who are potentially not animal lovers and/or have allergies to dogs and cats. Don’t let your pets get in the way of getting your home sold — drop them off at a neighbors or with a family friend to make sure the house is presentable to all!

4. I really don’t want photos taken of my home. Is it possible to skip getting photos taken of my home for marketing purposes?

It’s important to consider that almost everything today is done online — including real estate. Sharing photos of your home online is a critical component of selling your home and something you should consider doing as it will help sell your home faster. Try removing personal photos and memorabilia when your home is having photos taken of it to reduce the stress of your personal belongings being shared with the public, but my advice to you would be to not skip this part in the home selling process.

As a real estate agent, I have come across a handful of questions like the ones above. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a bad question in real estate so ASK AWAY! Please contact me today and we can start a conversation on any questions you have and more.

