2024 Astrology: The Rise of the People, Pluto Leads The Revolution

Andrew Seer
Prophecy Horizon
Published in
19 min readJan 27, 2024
“The Rise of the People” | Drawing by Chava Rainbow

2024 is going to be a year unlike the last several, in that time will begin to feel as if it is moving faster. It is a year of endings and new beginnings. Standing in a doorway of change, the feeling will be one of seeing how the last several years leads to the strange series of events we are approaching.

A number of incidents will occur between 2024 and 2027, seemingly in different spheres of world matters, but are all connected. These occurrences will alter humanity's perception of itself, and the lackluster and desperate responses by governments — and those in power — will be revealed.

The common theme is the rise of the people. Expect changing power dynamics and shakeups.

2024 starts the journey of humanity taking its power back. By 2026, the energies further consolidate and the path is going to be more clear. Expect major shifts in the collective consciousness.

Several key astrological events that occur this year of 2024.

The first major one is Pluto going into Aquarius in the last week of January 2024. This heralds major generational changes, let’s explore:

Pluto rules transformation, power itself, soul evolution, rebirth, and desire.

Aquarius rules the people, groups, communities, freedom, technology, innovation, newness, and the future.

From 2024 onwards we will see vast technological breakthroughs, major regime changes in response to the will of the people, revolutions against those in power, and oppressed people rising up with greater strength than we have seen in the last few hundred years.

Let’s pause for a moment since to understand the influences of our future, we look first back into our history.

What was happening the last time Pluto went into Aquarius? 👀

It happens once every 3 centuries for about 20 years, and so it has a strong generational influence.

  1. From 1777 to 1798
  • Power: American, French, Haitian, and Industrial Revolutions. Monarchies were sunsetting in favor of democracy. The theme was people in their power choosing their own government. The US Constitution was ratified.
  • Inventions and Expansion of Travel: Hot air balloons, cast-iron, steamboats, bicycles, submarines, metric system, and toilets.
  • Humanities: The US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, banning of the slave trade by Virginia, Thomas Paine published “The Rights of Man,”

2. From 1532 to 1553

  • Power: Church of England was set up defying Rome, Protestant Reformation, Roman Inquisition.
  • Invention and Expansion of Travel: Copernicus, tinderbox (new way of making fire), French explore Canada, First Europeans discover Japan (by accident).
  • Humanities: Africans were shipped to South America as slaves by Portugal, South America was colonized by Spain & Portugal, Incas were conquered, Bible was printed in English for the first time.

The Aquarian themes are clear. Get ready for rapid change, especially in June 2024, matters will speed up faster as Jupiter in Gemini will trine this transformational Pluto. This time around, we have the power of the internet, itself an Aquarian tool of freedom, that’s going to fast track developments faster.


This transit lasts 21 years, and will begin to be felt in early February 2024.
In the early degrees of Aquarius, expect themes of rebellion, revolution, and humanity immaturely flaring up at itself in reflection to overreach of power to oppressed people.

Themes of groups forming while other groups separating. At first things will be relatively peaceful but the heat is going to be turned up as 2024 progresses.

We got a taste of its effects from March to June 2023, when Pluto first dipped into Aquarius for a short 3 months. This preview of energy was seen through notable news of AI fears surfacing (Hollywood writers strike), VR glasses released by Apple, Israel experienced division around its judicial overhaul, BRICs nations threatened the US financial system by stopping to use the dollar, and David Grusch revealed the US has “found non-human UFO ships”.

(Pluto then moved back into Capricorn in June 2023 and is moving forward again in the last week of January 2024.)

Historically, the last time Pluto went into Aquarius in the 18th century, kings having a divine right of rule (monarchy) gave way to democracy and human rights.

This time around, we will see the theme from centralization to decentralization, by way of the people choosing new infrastructure to rule and empower themselves.

Expect dramatic changes and discoveries in technology, bizarre revelations bordering on the paranormal and strange, and science making huge leaps.

From an astrological perspective, Pluto in Aquarius makes 3 tense mathematical aspects

  1. It squares (hard astrological aspect) Scorpio, which rules secrets of those in power, sex, money / debt issues, as well as coverups of immense proportions. Revenge, betrayal, and the public losing trust.
  2. It squares Taurus, which rules money, food, the earth, and natural resources, and real estate / land. More fighting and volcanic activity. Uranus leaves Taurus in 2026 and we can expect more geomagnetic changes by then. Food scarcity, universal basic income, and where to place refugees and migrants are growing news events.
  3. It opposes Leo, which causes tension with those who are dominating from the masculine (patriarchy), creates a check in power for those born when Pluto was in Leo (1938 to 1957). We will see the rise of women in leadership during this generation in a whole new way.

Aquarius rules the will of the people, and those in power are not going to relinquish their hold without a struggle of some kind. Expect turbulence, whistleblowers, betrayals, and strange unfolding of events.

Dictators of all kinds are going to experience their downfall in these years to come. What and who replaces them are going to be rooted in freedom, liberation, and greater distributed power from the people to rule themselves. Groups on the fringe are going to enter the mainstream more. Metaphysical belief systems such as astrology or an understanding of human chakras (energy centers) will enter more and more into the mainstream as well.

With Neptune conjunct the Imum Coeli (IC, or “bottom of the sky”) of the US from 2024 to 2026, expect a reformation of boundaries or what land is considered the US or not.

Where does that leave us for 2024 to 2043?


The theme with Pluto in Aquarius is that the people rise up to reclaim their power. Humans and groups in power don’t usually peacefully let go. We will likely see revolutions, rebellions, great upsets to regime change and surprises with who goes and who stays.

Any oppressed people in the world, will have their voices heard louder. Hot spots for major changes and energy shifts are China, Israel / Palestine, North Korea, and Russia / Ukraine.

Nothing happens on its own, there will be events that serve as catalysts for the power changes coming. To be clear it’s not the people voting in different politicians that’s changing, instead its systemic change. The system, the infrastructure, governments, global corporations, and the financial system are ripe for major disruption.

Democracy isn’t liquid, and call for reforms and changes may go unheeded by those in power. Expect government overthrows, revealing of state secrets, and information kept from the public to come to light.

The energy of “We the People” is the driving force behind all change.

Women will take the stage in greater positions of leadership. Women are incredibly powerful, they create life within their bodies, and are aligned with sustaining life through these choppy times.

The beauty of women in their power, that which creates life sustains life
The Rise of Women in Power | Painting by Chava Rainbow


Rapid changes in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as new forms of the internet. Our internet is still a baby and is mostly a giant library of information (data). Ask it a question and you get an answer. You can connect with people globally, and yet the world has not figured out a way yet to amass their collective economic power that can take on Big Tech, capitalism, and have the people control their own resources and data.

While there are likely to be harmful effects of AI, for the most part, humanity is going to use this new tech to create better life for all. It’s going to take time for that to play out.

The level of innovation with AI is going to skyrocket as more applications and use cases exponentially increase. There will be a calling for the universal rights of humanity in response to AI. For example, humans will want to know if they are speaking with another human or an AI. That’s how good the tech is shaping up to be, people won’t know.

Huge leaps in innovation with regards to robotics are on the horizon as well. Faster forms of transportation are a sure thing, and we may see flying cars, faster ships and planes, or technology that actually bends space and time in some way.


Aquarius rules the science of consciousness, and the seeds of the convergence of spirituality with physics are planted in this 20-year span. So much so, that in the late 2040s and well past 2050 (when Pluto goes into Pisces), the science of humanity will take on a primarily spiritual focus of consciousness, and the role of the soul in human evolution. At that time, Western medicine as it is practiced today will be seen as quite primitive and mechanical.

For the next 20 years, the science of exploring consciousness is going to bring psychedelics, astrology, human design, and other energy systems further into the mainstream. While “new age” beliefs have been coming more into the mainstream in the last 10 years, it is a drop in the bucket for what’s coming.

A new form of mathematics using different archetypal higher dimensional math is due to arrive. Scientists and mathematicians will use it to explore that transcend what was previously thought to be true and possible about our universe.

New math, new science, and a greater understanding of quantum physics as it relates to the study of consciousness. The study of energy and human intention will refocus everything.

Using information gleaned from AI, fractal models, and cosmic revelations, the new math will lead to inventions that play with gravity, free energy, magnetics, and water. Higher-dimensional inventions are going to seem like a boon for humanity, but those in power will feel threatened by them.

Quantum leaps in science open the doors for new forms of energy to be used from our planet. Electricity wasn’t invented, it was always there, waiting for humans to harness it. So too, there are many methods of extracting power from our earth, oceans, and atmosphere that have not begun to be explored yet.

The free energy conversation is going to catalyze humanity to question those in power.

Humanity is going to travel deeper into space. Information about our solar system and planetary history will be revealed. Many changes are happening but are being suppressed or not reported in the mainstream. For all the talk of global warming on Earth, scientists are not discussing the many changes happening on other planets in our solar system during this time — and how it’s all connected to what our sun is going through.

A new form of internet will be born in 2030 and onwards. Psychics and unseen energies will be explored. Metaphysical information from energy fields will be accessed by technology (the Akashic records).


Bitcoin was born in anonymity (which is a form of darkness), as it needed to be in 2008. If its founder was identified they would have been jailed, and the message of Bitcoin was always about the technology of decentralization, and its founder didn’t want it to be about them/him.

While Bitcoin started the decentralization conversation, it’s going to be a new and burgeoning decentralized crypto infrastructure that is tied to AI that is going to be the rails of power for the masses. While it will take years, and perhaps by 2030 to go mainstream, the masses will collect their economic power across a distributed system, which will continuously threaten superpowers and the wealthy that control the systems through fear and manipulation.

For now crypto is an opportunity to make money by trading coins that largely have no real-world value. Over time, as the real world realizes the power of tokenization and the possibility of humans all owning their own data, humanity can take back power from centralized interests.

With Pluto moving into Aquarius it is the power of decentralization that is leading the charge. Any centralized entity or group that is holding power will be challenged. The harder they fight to hold power, the more they will fall.

The convergence of crypto, AI, and decentralization are going to be your winning crypto bets. At the time of this writing, a major crypto project that checks these boxes is $TAO from Bittensor.

AI is a commodity. So is data ownership. The levers of power and wealth creation stories in the next 20 years are going to be about leveraging these themes.

Calls for a new banking system will get louder between 2025 and 2027. Calls for de-dollarization amongst developing nations are going to get louder, but the dollar isn’t going away anytime soon.


If COVID did anything it exposed our connection to each other across the globe — regardless of ethnicity, wealth status, or place in the world, you were affected. It also spotlighted how our bodies’ immune systems respond and those that were weakest and contracted the virus died in higher numbers.

The vaccine and the conversations around allowing governments to mandate us to get injections created a firestorm of awakening amongst the mainstream. Regardless of your beliefs, the conversation about our body sovereignty became a hot topic.

Western medicine is still very primitive. Holistic methods of healing cancer and terminal illnesses offer a fresh perspective of how disease is rooted in the body and mind are rising. Miracle healings with plant medicine and non-Western methods are going to continue to flourish.

Western medicine treats the symptoms of a culture that is programming its people with density, toxicity, and violence. Western culture feeds our consciousness negativity (news), violence (movies, video games), and chemicals in our food (USA leading this). The human taking back power with their health and wellness would upend the very system that is attempting to program them to more dense body, mind, and spirit vibrations.

Holistic health and trauma therapies will gain further light and be accepted with greater clarity — regardless of what governments and global organizations say about them.

Healing by using sound and frequency will be further explored and validated during these years.

Secrets around the origins of COVID are going to continue to surface.

Expect to see the merging of technology and biology. For example, people electing to have surgeries in which they have hybrid tech surgically implanted within their human forms. Telepathy and the merging of human consciousness with technology.


Expect major fights around water rights. Countries withholding water from each others territories. Fighting over natural resources gets worse.

The earth’s climate is changing. Greater understanding of what Earth is and how we can adapt as she changes her weather patterns. In the US, during COVID there was a flight of migration from the northern states to the southern ones. In the next 20 years, the migratory flight will be to higher ground and mountainous areas where food can be grown easily.

New technology for removing salt from ocean water is coming. A rise in new agrarian technology around hydroponics, growing produce in harsh climates, and food conservation innovations to help feed the world’s hungry are on the way.

Expect big shake-ups with society opening itself to polyamory and open relationship dynamics. Further acceptance of what was previously seen as taboo goes mainstream. Over the next 21 years, those in the LGBTQ community gain further rights and acceptance — especially in countries where they currently don’t.

Major healings and spiritual awakenings will happen more frequently within relationships than in the last few decades.

Aquarian themes involve the forming of communities living together on land, forming powerful intentional communities, as well as new ideas on how to raise a family communally are coming to the forefront.

As we begin 2024, there are notable other cosmic events this year.

  • The April 9th eclipse that crisscrosses Texas is going to highlight separation energy there. It’s conjunct with the United States Chiron, which essentially means national wounds are coming to the surface and we can see pain or violence in the Spring, as this happens in Aries.
  • As 2024 progresses, Saturn is moving closer to Neptune. A lot more chatter around astrology, psychedelics, and spirituality. From a shadow expression skepticism trending. Also a call for clear boundaries as lines are crossed.
  • Jupiter in Gemini in an opening square to Saturn in Pisces. This occurs in August and December 2024. Expect calls regulation perhaps around AI. Whatever the topic matters, the theme is the people demanding regulation, boundaries, or structure around topics and matters where there is a blurring of lines. A calling for a reality check on what’s unfolding and how to best control it using wisdom and compassion.
  • Pluto heads back for one last grasp of power into Capricorn. This happens between Sept 1 until Nov 19. This is the time when we will see exposure of corruption, expect major shakeups. Neptune and Pluto will both be in the last degrees of their signs in the first week of September. The imaginations of the public are going to rise up. Conspiracy theories may be validated during this time.
  • September 18 partial lunar eclipse in Pisces and Oct 2 solar eclipse in Libra. That specific window of time is going to surge with instability. The Pisces eclipse conjuncts Neptune, and the collective is going to be asking “What’s truth?”. Huge creativity portal for technologists, artists, and changemakers for people to dream what’s possible. Saturn in Pisces at the time, can bring a destabilizing influence of uncertainty around what’s forming during that time. Rising questions of the law (Libra) and the rights of the people will surface stronger into October.

Humanity is Growing Up

As humanity rises into a new dawn, this leap of consciousness is going to bring out the darkest elements of humanity. Like a fever peaking in a sickness, the body wants to expel the toxins. So too, humanity is going through a healing window, and it won’t look pretty. We may see crazy barbarism and intense and desperate attempts to hold onto power.

Have you ever walked with the wind blowing at your back? That’s the fast-paced energy of what’s coming.

Energetically, it’s going to be a bit messy, and often things need to fall apart before the new can take hold.

Victim consciousness usually needs to hit a bottom of some kind for healing to begin. We have not hit that bottom yet, and the series of dramatic events that are going to occur from 2024 to 2027 are going to set the stage for what we want to change.

More people questioning the status quo of the world’s systems, but also their individual lives.

What is your why?
Do you do what you love with your time and energy?
What can you contribute to humanity?


War is ugly and ancient. It’s rooted in fear and separation. Anyone who chooses violence for any reason always feels powerless. Yet the true war has been on people’s consciousness.

As humanity continues to explore its power, through its belief in its lack of power, through fighting over land / natural resources (scarcity mindset), religion (brainwashed social conditioning), or hatred of others (beliefs of separation), we will continue to see and witness senseless killing.

In 2025 and 2026 there are going to be major shifts. From now until 2030 we may witness a great many souls choose to leave the planet. There may be a spike in global deaths due to some cause such as war or a plague, but the human reason is just a distraction from the higher dimensional perspective. It’s the souls who choose to stay, that grieve over their loved ones, that choose to shape the future world we live in with greater compassion.

The healing of cyclical generational trauma that many of us have grown up in, is coming to an end. The way through is grief.

From a global perspective, grief is activated by death. This time frame will expose our tenderness in our healing journeys and give us a new meaning for the world we wish to live in.

Humanity is purging itself of darkness, and anyone who has experienced their physical body expunging an illness (flu), or a plant medicine purging (ayahuasca), it is to the outside onlooker an ugly and uncomfortable experience.

Yet like vomit coming out of the body, it is the blessed conduit of the darkness coming to the surface so the body can live in balance.

It’s going to be noisy. Get ready for ugliness and the messiness of humans fighting and shouting over each other. Rebellion, groupthink, and infighting are going to weaken those in power.

Global revolution energy around themes of oppression and injustice will cause people to rise up. The volume will be turned up. Rebelliousness. In some ways, the capacity for tolerance to those in power is going to be less. Speaking truth to power in radical ways is heightened during these times. Power is moving from the hands of the few to the many. This may start as a peaceful rebellion, but is certainly going to escalate.

Many new communities are going to rise, first on the fringe but then over time they will form alliances with others and seek to collect and focus their power on meaningful change for their members. More and more people will join their ranks for a better life. Self-sustaining communities offer safety, security, and are going to wield immense power in the coming decades.

While this is happening the rise of light workers, healers, and open-hearted humans is going to usher in a new world order that respects and honors the heart.

The path of the heart is a radical shift from the path of the mind, which has ruled for thousands of years. Most societies, systems, religions, and nations are deeply rooted in the mind. They see themselves as right, while another is wrong. The playing out of duality is reaching its limits, and those who exclude others for “rational reasons” will continue to see their power dwindle.

While at times this can look like a rise in the divine feminine in men and women, humanity is purging itself of centuries of pain rooted in fear, abandonment, scarcity, and the essence of all of it: Lack of worthiness and soul amnesia.

People think they are their bodies or believe in a god outside of themselves. They have forgotten who they are, why they are here, and how extraordinary life is meant to be.

The Rise of Light Workers, Healers, and Open-Hearted Communities

As the darkness takes its last stand, the lightness and love of humanity rise in tandem too. Aquarius rules the science and study of consciousness, and those who embody healing in their energy fields are going to be in great demand in the years to come. Human energy is going to be measured and studied, and light workers will gain further prominence.

Spiritual health is the new mental health.

The way our society currently respects doctors, that level of attention will be included on holistic healers. Everything from somatic release therapies, sex healers, plant medicine facilitators, and shamanism is going to enter further into the mainstream.

The rise in consciousness comes with rapid transformation as humanity lifts itself to higher frequencies. For decades ahead, there will still be lower frequencies of war and division, but the light is rising faster on our planet than at any other time in thousands of years. If you would like to understand why and how scientifically see here.

Those incarnated for planting the seeds of higher consciousness are coming online more than ever before. Many of the children today will grow into their soul missions with clarity at remarkably younger ages than the previous generations.

The radical overhaul of our individual identities and our conscious connection with our souls is coming. Through grief, more people waking up to compassion and opening their hearts.

UFO’s, Space, our Galactic Origins

Women in power, DNA, and non-human species communicating with us
Aliens, Women in leadership, DNA Secrets Revealed, and our Galactic Origins | Painting by Chava Rainbow

While we got a taste in 2023 of governments admitting they knew about UFO’s. However, it’s the coming revelations of government communication with alien species that will surprise humanity, and cause a leap of consciousness. May-June 2024 in particular may see new bizarre information come to light as Jupiter conjuncts with Uranus in Taurus (this has not happened since 1941).

Physical contact with any non-human sentient species will happen this century. One of the most harmonic outcomes of alien life is that humanity will see itself as greater connected to itself. What separates a Muslim from a Christian? They’re both human. A European from an African? Just geography. The blessing of contact with non-human species is a deeper appreciation of what unites us.

These inter-dimensional species have been visiting Earth for millions of years, and over the decades to come more information will come to light.

For example, some intergalactic beings already communicate with us via channelings of Darryl Anka (Bashar).

Humanities galactic origins, our DNA, and who and where we came from is some of the new information coming. After the history is brought to light, humanity’s curiosity will shift to, what is the soul? Where has each of our souls been? What have we come to learn? What is the nature of our reality?

Humanity’s fascination with free energy is going to set in motion a whole slew of changes. Awareness of aliens (“non-human species”) and how they operate their ships and tech is going to spark inventions and interest in science, innovation, human origins, and unexplored parts of Earth.

As humanity continues to heal its fears of other humans, the connection with ETs is going to get closer.


A propulsive 2024 ahead. Be in the driver’s seat with it. Swim with the current. Align so you can be a positive transformative influence for loved ones who may not have the tools to take care of their nervous systems.

At times this year, it can feel like a dark night of the soul for humanity. It may seem counter-intuitive, but the division energy will create a further banding together of what unites us. Seeds of division are how we lose, but how we come together united is how we win.

The most loving thing you can do is take utmost care of yourself. Self-love and an open heart are the best medicine for the rocky times ahead.

How can you bring more joy into your life?

Learn how to replenish your inner life force. For some it’s running, cooking, reading, or spending time with loved ones. Restoring your energy is a superpower, and you’ll need it in the years to come.

Look for opportunities to slow down, to open your heart, and to connect with nature. The bombardment of news from our devices and other people is going to be taxing on our nervous systems. Learn new ways to reset your body and energy fields.

What’s something you do that opens your heart?
Maybe playing with your pet, playing music, meditation, or anything that makes you feel creative.

Who in your life lights you up? We all have uplifters in our lives. Joyful friends, people who make you laugh, or those who have a healing and loving frequency who can hold space for you during these times. Cultivate connections with humans who are in their lightness.

If we don’t take good care of our nervous systems, we cannot show up for others properly.

2024 is going to be choppy. By early 2025 the dust settles somewhat and humanity has new decisions about how to approach its challenges. Still, the feeling of global overwhelm may continue.

I’ll end by saying: Create something new in the world.

This is a ripe time for the creation of new intentions, new creative ideas, and new types of businesses. If it lights you up, go for it!

Personal soul astrology readings available at www.meadowastrology.com

