Propy’s Roadmap 2018

Alex Voloshyn
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2018

Having recently wrapped up Q1 of 2018 we are proud to announce the launch of our new product roadmap! This roadmap illustrates our development plan for the next three quarters. Keep in mind that the blockchain space evolves rapidly so we have included in the roadmap only high-level features; many more smaller features will be highlighted in our newsletters.

Our next steps are decided in collaboration with the community and if you’d like to contribute to future feature decisions, you can always share your ideas in our telegram channel, or shoot an email to

The roadmap for the next three quarters is segmented as follows:


UI/UX Evolution of the global property store we are undertaking a complete overhaul of our current UI and UX. Once done we will roll out Propy’s new vision for an improved user experience.

Multinational decentralized registry architecture we are on the way to creating the first decentralized registry architecture for storing real estate records. The Propy team has analyzed existing approaches and solutions to the storage of registry databases in several jurisdictions and plans to deliver a unified decentralized registry architecture suitable to operate with both Torrens and Deed registries.

Basic registry interface — along with the decentralized registry architecture, our team is working on a simple and robust registry interface for Title Companies and State agencies to operate with. The interface will allow for document storing, viewing, and searching.

Improved search — the current search function in the Propy global property store is quite unsophisticated. We are working on various improvements to the search algorithm and the experience we offer. Expect partial text search (aka “fuzzy search”), more filters, the option to save your favorite searches and other improvements.

First transaction in California — our transaction platform is ready to host the most innovative realtors and buyers in the State of California. We are already receiving new leads each week and the first historical transaction in the region is expected soon.


New Propy Registry pilots/phases — the first stages of our pilots in Vermont and Ukraine are complete and we’re moving forward with the next steps in those regions. Meanwhile our team of researchers and business developers is undertaking steps towards pilot programs in other regions which will be announced by the end of the summer.

Adaptive Transaction Platform — The Propy team has unique experience performing international property sales transactions. We also understand the variety of rules and regulations in force in the different jurisdictions our customers operate in. That’s why the Propy team is developing an adaptive transaction platform which will make it possible to configure a unique deal flow for each transaction depending on customer needs and the local market framework: different currencies; variable number of buyers; changeable price; signing and acknowledging uploaded documents and others.

Money transmitter integration with Ethereum Oracle — Propy utilizes a dedicated smart contract to approve financial transactions and unlock property ownership transfer during the deal processing. Integration with existing Money Transmitting services will allow customers to use the money transmitter most suitable for their location.

Crypto and Fiat Currency Exchange Integration — we believe that efficiency is one of the key advantages Propy brings to the real estate market. That is why our aim is the development of a seamless transaction platform where realtors and buyers don’t have to worry about the currency exchange methods integrated in the platform. After all Propy is the next generation one-stop real estate shop.


Title company/escrow/broker admin dashboards — we are planning to create an all-in-one account management dashboard for title companies, escrow, and brokers. Those will include complete data on your listings, inquiries, transactions, data insights and other information.

Advanced registry interface — after delivering the basic registry interface in Q2 our team will continue to enhance registry interface in order to enable more sophisticated services for Registry operation companies, including metadata management, support for predefined document types and enhanced search capabilities.

Transaction Platform integration with external services — Propy plans to allow for the integration of external services so that customers can use existing and robust solutions for some of the tasks required for deal processing.

Blockchain explorer — a solution to allow for the monitoring of the public ledger data, the retrieval of the blockchain stored information in readable form, the provision of statistical information, and the verification of transactions.

$50m volume in property sales

If you ask Propy’s business team, they will tell you “nothing beats good sales!” Our forecast for the end of the year is to have 2-digit volume in property sales. And if you think this would be our only target, think twice — we are already working with big corporate partners and we anticipate to have at least 3 corporate partnerships that will bring the adoption of our platform to the next level.

Don’t hesitate to comment on any item directly to our product team at We encourage all our community, customers, and partners to send us input. That’s a huge part of what this is all about, getting the broader conversation going. Don’t forget that your feedback has a real impact on shaping our roadmap.

