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Prosa Story
The thoughts and stories behind Prosa.ai
Note from the editor

The thoughts and stories behind Prosa.ai

Go to the profile of prosa.ai
AI for Bahasa Indonesia | prosa.ai
Go to the profile of Teguh Eko Budiarto
Go to the profile of Hari Bagus Firdaus
Hari Bagus Firdaus
Good guy. Software, AI, Business, Finance.
Go to the profile of Tazkiyatun Nafs Azzahra
Go to the profile of Rifki Mega S
Rifki Mega S
Deep dive into my world
Go to the profile of Erick Adinugraha
Go to the profile of Atika Rahmawati Yuliantoputri
Atika Rahmawati Yuliantoputri
Honorable blessing is the meaning of my name.
Go to the profile of Elsa Sofiari
Go to the profile of Rizky Faramitha
Go to the profile of Nadia Izzatunnisa
Nadia Izzatunnisa
Perantara dibutuhkan agar kata-kata dalam hati dan pikiran bisa tersampaikan dengan cara berbeda.
Go to the profile of Candra Parera
Go to the profile of Iftitakhul Zakiah
Go to the profile of Devin Hoesen
Devin Hoesen
Learning how to make machine learn
Go to the profile of Menik Lestari
Go to the profile of Sidik Soleman
Go to the profile of Riswanto
Go to the profile of Saya Hudzaifah
Go to the profile of Rifki Afina Putri
Go to the profile of Dwijaya Kusuma
Go to the profile of Dikdik Gunardi
Go to the profile of Alfand Dinda Rahmawan