Symphonic Symbiosis

Chase C
Prosaic Mosaic
Published in
1 min readMay 11, 2020
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

There lies wisdom
In the wake of suffering —
Depth, the Z-axis of emotion.
It lies in the River’s flow,
Drowning sobs in the canyon,
The larynx of her siren song.
Rushing, white water somehow
Moves unhurriedly, content
To erode its cradle in
The redaction of woe.
Erasure’s melody sings an invitation.
Accepting is compulsory for some,
An escape from societal walls,
Footprints filled by aqueous gravity.
To walk among her voice
Is to be a movement in her symphony,
A chorus audible for miles.
We can splash in the abundance
Of euphoric ease like trout
Languidly sipping mayflies.

The freshest glacial melt ends up
Making waves, eventually,
As all rivers meander toward
Oceanic certainty.
Streams become rivers;
Rivers become tides,
Borne on the belt of lunar propensity.
Anglers, too, retrace their steps,
Inevitably pulled away from
Nature’s harmonic rejuvenation.
We turn up the radio
As we drive back
To our angular minutiae and monotony,
Social symbiotes whose
Worries and sorrows were replaced
By an indelible memory:
The River’s music,
An orchestral, chordal
Cleanse of the heartstrings.



Chase C
Prosaic Mosaic

Poet. Writer. Editor. User of ink, paper, and fountain pens. Bassist, guitarist, fly fisherman, former high jumper. River wader. Fly fishing guide.