Don Winiecki
Prose Poetry & Flash Fiction
1 min readDec 29, 2015


The Monument is a prose poem that tells a (nominally fictional) story which might relate to reality in the real world, but also — and not inconsequentially — it is a stage for play and tinkering with the sonic quality of words, pauses, and never-explicitly-represented parenthetical clauses.

With tI aim to entertain as much with the apparent possibilities of meaning for the whole as with an opportunity for the reader to experiment with many different ways for voicing the words for varying sonic and even musical effects.

If you find more than one way to say this prose poem, you might also find more than one way of interpreting its contents…




Don Winiecki
Prose Poetry & Flash Fiction

Sociologist(ish), technologist(ish), artist(ish), poet(ish) of the inbetween, the spaces-left-free, the not-yet-defined that continually emerges in modernity