“ANA20150903143258 (Monday)” (2015). 39"w x 39"h Don Winiecki/ANA


Don Winiecki
Prose Poetry & Flash Fiction


Throbbing tempo of surfer music occupies the almost-foreground background, sounds ironic and surreal in this landlocked prairie plain.

Silhouetted figures desperately seeking stimulation. A circle of headlights shelter us from the darkness. Our closest link to escape inaccessible below in the brackish Ogallala.

In this folding, waves come to us through kinetic impact of sound, we dance to an over-amped car stereo in an island of light in darkness and oppressive humidity of a late summer night.

Battery dying slowly, iconic sounds give way to a hollow rush of wind in the surrounding ocean of harvest-ready wheat.

Ears ringing in this sudden absence.
Senses flooded with desire.
Darkness closes upon us.

Unthinkable to leave, unbearable to stay―we abide.



Don Winiecki
Prose Poetry & Flash Fiction

Sociologist(ish), technologist(ish), artist(ish), poet(ish) of the inbetween, the spaces-left-free, the not-yet-defined that continually emerges in modernity