It’s your own Blood

-Arpit Gupte

Arpit Gupte
Prose to Prospects


I was lying down on the bed in my room from hours now. It was 2:00 am and there wasn't much I could do that time. The worst part of my situation was, I had to share the same room with my siblings. They kept staring at me and I couldn't help but not look back and try not to sob or wail.

Their eyes were red and now they were staring fiercely at me. There was a strong whiff of blood and I felt numb with fear. The problem was , the second I make any hint that I’m not asleep anymore, It would have pounced on me. I would have died and nobody would have turned up to save me. I was trying to think a way out to escape, but the only idea I had, was to rush for the door, run outside the house and just scream for help and pray that someone would hear me. I know it was too risky but if I had stayed there any longer than surely that creature would have slaughtered me.I knew, the creature was just waiting for me to wake up and see his drawing he has left for me.

You’d probably be wondering what’s going on. I do get towards the front of myself sometimes. Well, a couple of hours ago I heard screeching noises from the other side of my house. I got up and went to check the noise, but I realized I was thirsty and i needed some water to quench it.

Instead of doing the clever and obvious thing, i.e scrutinizing the source of noise, I went to the kitchen to fetch a bottle of water first. I could have risked myself getting killed right away for my reckless action. Quickly I gulped down a glass of water and took a peek outside the kitchen. There was blood everywhere on the floor. As any other human would probably do, I bolted back to my room, not looking back and went straight to hiding under my sheets like a rabbit I was. I tried to convince myself to go back to sleep and that it was just some weird, vivid nightmare or something along those lines.

I heard my bedroom door creak open and like the shit-scared child I was, I did not move at all, like a dead man, i slowly peeked out from a small, tiny hole in my blanket to see what was going on, without any subtle movement of my body. I could see that creature dragging my siblings into the room, they were obviously lifeless. It was definitely an evil power, I can tell you that much. It was tall, skinny, with visible blood-filled veins on his face and a black overcoat. It carried a big scythe in its left hand. It walked like a grim-reaper with its back bent slightly as it dragged my dead siblings into my room. But this creature was smarter than any grim-reaper.

It positioned my sister against the edge of the bed and made her face me, made my brother sit down on the chair and propped him towards my face as well. Later, it started carving with its scythe along the wall, staining it with blood, drawing a Satan’s pentagram in it. This evil had made what it would probably call a devil’s mark.

To finish it off, it scribbled a message with the blood onto the wall that I could not read in the darkness. It then positioned itself inside my closet, waiting to slaughter me when I get out of bed.

The nerve-racking thing now was that, my eyes adjusted to the darkness because of the scant moonlight that penetrated through the window pane and since then, I could vaguely read the bloody message which it carved on the wall. I never wanted to look at it, because i was petrified to think about it, but I felt that I needed to know what’s written, before I get killed.

I peeked at the creature’s demonic massage and read it …

“It’s your own blood.”



Arpit Gupte
Prose to Prospects

Hey there, I'm Arpit! I'm a tech-savvy bookworm with a taste for adventure and a flair for storytelling!!