Are You Mature Enough To Handle Disappoint?

Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2024


A short story about how disappoint can expose who we really are

Peek a boo I see the real you ~Author

Photo by Mododeolhar on Pexels

Do you slam things when life does not go your way? Do you slash out on whoever is near you when disappointment raises its unwelcome head?

Do you make a direct path to the kitchen to get that last bowl of ice cream or do you sulk until you can breathe more easily?

I don’t remember how old I was or what I was doing when it came to me that I handled disappointment poorly.

As a clinician that is not an easy admission.

I recall just shopping and it was not expensive items I just recognized I needed to be around something new and I wanted to buy whatever it was.

I have always tried to be emotionally healthy so understanding why shopping made me feel better was something I needed to uncover.

It did not take me long, I was embarrassed to ask any of my ancestors because I saw that shopping was what a lot of the women did as well.

I went head first with no anesthesia, not one crutch or other unhealthy method of coping with the dilemma.

I recognize why shopping and over time healing begin to emerge.

It’s been maybe twenty years since shopping tried to steal my joy.

I have the great honor of helping mostly women deal with this same issue, the reasons vary of course.

I learned something startling though, men that I counsel do not have the same issue with shopping that some women may have.

Men that I counsel have more destructive behavior and women have more self-destructive behavior.

What is so important for me as a clinician is assisting my clients with the why, preparing them for life and not just the moments they are in.

My hope in writing this story is to encourage those who have that thing that won’t let you go (i.e. poor health, financial insecurities or poor relationships) to realize and know that healing is not only possible but probable.

Thank you for reading.

Be Well!



Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose

Author, Podcast host, empath, poet and writer trying to connect with everyday people. As a Clinician I hope my poetry and stories provide healing for the soul