Disruption: It Comes In Different Ways In Years Past

Philip Ebuluofor
Prose With Purpose
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2024
Photo by Eden Constantino on Unsplash

When we talk of the word disruption, we are talking about someone, or something disrupting the normal flow of events. Not actually that this kind of disruption is new to anyone. Nay. It’s old news. For example: If you have a kid that keeps interrupting your work, your reading, or writing, by wanting you to play with him, is such new to any parent?

People go along with this kind of disruption for most of the time, you don’t have any better choice than to satisfy the kid’s urge at that moment and pray that he loses interest and focuses on something else.

So, while at the hide and seek or whatever, you know you are wasting time you would have invested in something precious and beneficial to you. You are not given much choice so you have to go along with the hide-and-seek or whatever disruption to clear that aspect of your obligation out of the way. Far better than putting up with two hours of wailing.

The idea is to weigh the value in both sides of the coin while bearing in mind that when push comes to shove, and at the toss of the coin, you are not the loser. You are even offered a kind of insight into other things you never bargained for.

The trick is to prepare your mind, train it to meet the situation of the time, and stay it through quietly without ranting. Treat whatever, whoever, like you did the kid and never for once let on that you hate the part you found yourself in. Don’t even let them know that you are aware of the grand plan of the disrupters and their not-that-hidden field workers sweating for their success.


These days, the plotters seem to have figured that a collective, massive scale doesn’t only work but creates friendly enemies. So they prefer forwarding their agendas in tiny crumbs to selected targets. Such a strategy frees governments from responsibilities, save them cost and shifts the headache to unsuspecting individuals.

They are learning from 2020 botched plans of disrupting the normal Christmas celebrations hatched by those that came with Covid-19 as weapon of disruption. Nowadays, it's selective hits that produces result in tiny manners without victims knowing what hit them.

Last Christmas celebrations in some nations were examples of what was meant to happen collectively in 2020 and was halted. The families, communities, and individual’s economies were so poor that they didn’t know when the celebration came and went. COVID preceded the 2020 Attempt at disruption with its channeled COVID-19 deaths, but last Christmas came with its unprecedented accident death records. Too many deaths through an accident that even the blind saw are no longer natural.

The celebration was extra low keyed and no one was pointing it out for there was little confusion, doubt was many lots. Those not confused treated it as they would the hide-and-seek interrupting kid. Indulge him and let him believe that you are enjoying yourself or in this case that you are suffering enormously. Feed them the wrong data, since the aim was to be so angry you hate and curse Christmas celebrations and refuse to be part of the next one.

The funny aspect of using the dare economy as a weapon against families is that head or tail, a significant percentage would be enjoying it while the majority feels the pinch. This is not what the plotters want. They want to hear moaning on the highest scale and never want to see smiles on the faces of any adult.

Why engage in such plans?

The world is a spiritual place, full of spiritual spirits that focus on anyone who focuses on them. So, many are benefiting from engaging such spirits, negative and disrupting ones. But I am not sure any significant dividends came from executing these tiny forays.

I believe maybe ignorantly that the initial aim was to kill many birds with one stone, threaten, and blackmail their perceived enemies into obedience. Prove to self and disciples that anything they set eyes on can be achieved. Any venture, or event they want to be disrupted can be achieved and what they say remains. Fear, hardships, wailings, and negativities overflowed this Christmas in many places but never overshadowed it.

Disruption of such rooted events as Christmas can only be possible if the house rat tells the bush rat that there is a fish for taking in the kitchen. Minus collaboration, achieving such a feat from afar is not possible.



Philip Ebuluofor
Prose With Purpose

Philip, is a freelancer, blogger, and short story writer. His skills includes: writing, reading, listening, creative and administrative. get him philipainox2@