Don’t Become Bitter Become Better

Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2024


A short story about loving yourself enough not to become bitter

Photo by Meum Mare on Pexels

People and situations can make us respond in a way that changes us. Some of us can light up a room when we smile, others could just sit with someone and bring them comfort and those with the Midas touch can give a timely hug that changes the entire atmosphere.

When we are emotionally undressed people or situations happen to us over and over again and a change begins to come over us. The change may start with not smiling as much or being cynical about everything that occurs good or bad or side eyeing everyone that comes in our path.

Bitterness is a pill that no one intentionally swallows it shows up due to the poor emotional deposits that have been made over and over again. Most people don’t know why they are unkind, brutal or unforgiving. To the listening ear, all the things that happen to us would cause anyone to be angry and bitter.

However bitterness does not make you better it only makes you miserable, most of the time alone and lonely and full of excuses of why you stay away from people, or like being alone. I have often thought if I hold grudges and allow bitterness a home in my heart then the person who wished me harm has won.

I read this beautiful illustration from an unknown writer of self-love they wrote to themselves and now I share this with you:

To my younger self, I’m sorry you went through that, I’m sorry that you made choices that hurt you, and I’m sorry that you believed you were unworthy. I want you to know you made the choices you did with the feeling and limited experience that you had at the time.

You did your best with what you knew at the time. Don’t worry I’m taking over now. A new chapter has begun. I promise you I will look after us. We are in this together. I love you.


When we value who we are and not the person people think we are or what they call us we respond to life and what happens to us differently.
Let the journey begin…
Listen to my new podcast here.



Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose

Author, Podcast host, empath, poet and writer trying to connect with everyday people. As a Clinician I hope my poetry and stories provide healing for the soul