Enjoying the Present Moment

I took a day off

Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose
3 min readNov 29, 2023


Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels

Chennai is very hot in the summer. Once the monsoon starts, the situation is cumbersome. But this year is not that bad so far. I am not sure if it will worsen in the coming days. It’s been raining on and off for the last ten to fifteen days.

I have never experienced this sort of weather on rainy days before. Sometimes it is sunny, and the very next moment it is rainy. Clear and cloudy are alternately happening in the sky.

Literally, I didn’t have any personal work to take a day off. However, I wanted to take it just to enjoy the moment by myself. As some pending work didn’t allow me to do that yesterday, I called my superior last night, informed her of my day off, and applied officially for the same beforehand.

I was so happy last night before I went to bed at the thought of going to get extra sleep the next morning. I got up late. When I woke up, I saw no one at home.

I don’t know if you people have ever had bliss the way I have. For me, the weekend holidays and other festival holidays never give much pleasure, like taking a day off during the week. At home, you will be alone while everybody is gone for work, right?

Sitting in the chair and keeping the window open, I enjoy every moment. It is nice to watch the rain from inside. I did play the songs with 70 percent volume from the set of my favorite collections. Once I got bored of listening to songs, I started reading a book, Ikigai, that I received yesterday. In the midst of reading, I thought I could share some things that I liked from the book, though I haven’t read it completely.

Let us know

  • In Okinawa, there is a custom called Moai, where a group of people with the same interest in the locality form a community. The members of Moai allot a part of their earnings on a monthly basis to the group, and they use this amount to participate in meetings, games, and whatever hobbies they do have in common.
  • If there is any surplus money in a particular month, one person in the group takes it on a rotating basis. Also, if any of them have financial needs, they can even take advance from the group’s savings. This improves emotional and financial stability among the people in Moai.
  • The book says that intellectual activity plays a crucial part in our aging process. Our desire to learn new things every day and to play games keeps us more active and helps as an anti-aging tool.

I am still reading this book. I will probably complete it by today, as it is less than 200 pages in length. I feel like I am using this day in a very effective manner. Unlike other days off, I guess I will not regret it.

What will you do when you take a day off for no reason?

Please let me know in the comments. Thanks for taking the time to read my story.



Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.