If You’re Not Okay Say You’re Not Okay Because The World Is Not Okay Either

Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024


Some moments in life leave you speechless while others leave you with nothing left ~Author

A short story about how sorrows spread

Photo by NastyaSensei on Pexels

Every day I wake up I have my to-do list it keeps me disciplined and somewhat organized. I enjoy world news for many reasons the downside of the news is the many sorrows happening all over the world. I’m the kind of person that prays for the world’s catastrophes not because I’m so spiritual it’s because I’m human.

As a therapist, I get to serve a lot of people and for the most part, it has been an honor to walk along with someone as they heal emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I don’t take any of the credit God has blessed me with the words and tools I use.

What words do use when week after week you see wildfires, homelessness, poverty, and catastrophic weather conditions all across the land? No amount of years as a clinician can prepare you to speak to someone whose soul has been devastated by the loss of life, natural disaster or war.

What I have observed is a lot of people go through the stages of grief when the tsunamis of life come. I’m not sure who you are reading my words. I have no idea what tsunami you’re facing I can say pay attention. Life seems to come in seasons and cycles. I have also observed God has a way of warning us that something usual is occurring.

I don’t ride the wave of my faith, I live it, practice it and believe that God is real I don’t debate it either. I know that when life starts to unravel there are always warning signs. I’m looking and listening in my corner of the world I hear the alarm of the sorrows. I listen to what is happening globally which I sense is only a snapshot of what’s happening, the world is not okay.

When I’m not okay I know it, I’m not one to post on social media about what’s happening in my life. I recognize a lot of people use social media as therapy. I retreat and figure out what I need to block, delete and eliminate to reset myself. I can see if we as a world do not see that we need to step back and reset ourselves individually that the sorrows will increase globally.

As I reflect I think about a cold that spreads from one person to another. We need to see that our world is in trouble because most of us are in trouble and what is happening in us is spreading from one person to another.

This short story is to sound the alarm first to ourselves. What needs to blocked, deleted or eliminated individually so that we are emotionally, spiritually and mentally prepared to face what is happening in our world?

I’m not being your therapist I’m being your neighbor. I understand what affects you affects me either directly or indirectly. Our world is sick because most of us are sick mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Let’s step back and get the healing we need so that healing will be prevalent in our world.

Thank you for reading.

Be well!

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Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose

Author, Podcast host, empath, poet and writer trying to connect with everyday people. As a Clinician I hope my poetry and stories provide healing for the soul