Jacquelynne Raquel Kemp
Prose With Purpose
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2023


In my world

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

In my world I have days that are crazed

In my world I have tremendous amounts of love given and received

So you must understand something when speaking with me

I have all the riches that the world has to offer because I’m surrounded by the people

I love


love me

You see in my world mistakes are allowed to happen because you wouldn’t know how wonderful it felt to make it if you’ve never fell short

In my world we explore each other’s minds we explore the possibilities but more often than not we explore our fantasies the wonders of what could come to be

In my world I encourage vitality courage and trust 💪

In my world it is true that three left make a circle but that also ends us back up in the same spot we began

In my world we speak with practicality we leave assumptions to those who can tell the future and we love with entirety

In my world I cherish all things big and small because I’m not neglectful to the fact that I will not always have it to do just that

Thank you for reading please don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter and I hope you all have a wonderful and very blessed day.

Senetta Diane

