My Bad Experience in the Hospital

Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2024
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

I got prepared to go to the office. I always ensure that there is anything in my shoes before wearing them. Today, I don’t know what happen to me. I failed to tap the shoes upside down on the floor. When I was about to wear it, I felt a sting in my big toe on my left leg. Reflexively, I dragged my leg in pain. I tapped the shoe on the floor to see what it was. Scorpion. A medium-sized scorpion hid in my shoe, waiting to sting me.

As the time passed, my pain increased. I immediately called Auto. My mom gave me some home treatment until the Auto came. I couldn’t bear the pain. Still, the pain is there. By the time Auto reached my home, I felt like the excruciating pain was taking my life little by little. Seeing my tears, my neighbor also accompanied us to the hospital.

We went to the 24/7 hospital nearby my place. The government hospital is right opposite the hospital where we went. But we preferred to go to the private hospital. I hope people who live in my country experienced the difficulty of having treatment in the government hospitals, but I was wrong. Later, I realized that.

I underwent a pressure test. Then they put an injection at the location, applied some gel-like substance, and tied the bandage. This was all done by the nurse. My pain subsided temporarily. I didn’t even know if she was really a professional nurse. The doctor came, and he didn’t even examine the stung area. He suggested going to the same hospital in another location, as there was no concerned doctor or even medicine. It takes 45 minutes to reach the hospital from the place where I was. My attendees asked for the prescription and were informed, “There is no need for that; you go, and the hospital will take care.” We went accordingly.

We reached the hospital in less than 45 minutes. I was taken to the doctor, where he asked about the treatment that was given to me in the hospital 1. I said everything, and he immediately called the hospital 1. Their intention was only to find fault with the treatment given in the hospital. 1. In the meantime, my pain had started again. It had been 30 to 40 minutes since we reached the hospital 2. They didn’t start the treatment. Instead, they were fighting with each other. I could overhear only a few words from the doctor saying, “Don’t you even give first aid to the patient?”

Finally, they started treatment. I don’t know where the world is going. The doctor didn’t come to my room (it was like a curtain covered around the bed); only the nurses were inside and chatting with each other. One nurse came and asked me about the details that were already given to the doctor. She went. In 10 minutes, another one came and asked me the same. Again, another one came and did the same. I was getting impatient when the fourth one asked me the same. Finally, they started treatment.

I can’t even say that was treatment. I don’t almost go to hospitals these days except for my mom’s eye treatment. So I don’t have much hospital experience. But I would say there is not at all care or concern for the patients and their pain. Everything is money-minded. I was normal, and I didn’t have any symptoms after the scorpion stung, but I did have pain. They asked me to be admitted to the hospital for 24 hours only for the money. The nurse who injected me — literally, I am saying she could resign her job. She injected me and asked me to rub the place while my two hands were busy with the BP machine in one hand, and the other one had a vein injection behind the palm. How could I rub the back by myself? Even in the parlor, they will touch us while doing service. Nowadays, doctors and nurses don’t even know the value of their jobs and the responsibilities involved. It was such a horrible experience in the private hospital. Now I think it’s better to go to a government hospital rather than a private one. “Scorpion stinging is better than going to the hospital,” I thought to myself.

I have said everything about what I experienced today. I am not intending to hurt any doctors or nurses who do their jobs wholeheartedly.

Thank you for reading.



Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.