One Day At A Time

Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2024


A short story about embracing one day at a time

Each day holds a lesson, it is not random there is meaning to the madness we call life ~ Author

Photo by Erik Mclean on Pexels

Why are you in a hurry? Where are you going? Are you taking anyone with you? Are you making an impact or making noise? These questions are presented not to incite you to riot but to awaken what is dormant inside you. You are smart, gifted in one or two areas that no one else is and you are not sharing it with the world. Why not?

Take a moment to think about what you have to offer to someone else. Is it tangible? I learned something about a personal gift that left me a little shocked. My ability to care, empathize with others, or communicate is not for me. I benefit in no way, I don’t feel good or bad if I use my gift or not.

However when you use your gift, I benefit, I’m encouraged I’m stirred to make a difference and I thrive as a person. Take one day at a time and reflect on what you have to offer that can’t be purchased. See we all have a role to play in helping one another make it to our destination. I refuse to sit on my gift and not give it away to those who may need it to get to their next place in life.

We make decisions every day and some leave us helping someone while others leave us being takers. Yes, there are two sides to every coin, I believe that is part of life there is nothing we can do about those who insist on being takers. There was a time when I’d try to encourage takers when they came to talk to me about being lonely.

I would remind them they did not check on other people, build a support system or remember anyone else on their birthday, but wanted all those things from other people. As you can imagine, crickets. I can say some people did begin to understand they had to become what they wanted from other people.

I know some people call it Karma, but the bible calls it reaping and sowing and I agree with the bible that whatever I reap I will sow. The New Year is fresh and for most, they call it a clean slate. I also add to that and say, take one day at a time, invest in other people by sharing who you are not just what you have.

Let’s begin the journey…

Listen to my new podcast here.



Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose

Author, Podcast host, empath, poet and writer trying to connect with everyday people. As a Clinician I hope my poetry and stories provide healing for the soul