Organize Don’t Agonize in 2024

Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2023


Prose about resetting your life for the New Year

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions” ~Barbara Hemphill

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

What do you need to let go? Who do you need to eliminate from your life that is emotionally, physically or mentally unhealthy? How can you organize not agonize for 2024?

I recognize that some people like to deal with one day at a time. I have that mindset in most areas as well. With that said, I see many things happening in the world that are out of my control. I had to ask myself some years back what I could do to decrease my stress and become more organized so I don’t feel like I’m agonizing over my life.

As a therapist I have practiced ways of decreasing my stress level, giving myself grace and addressing areas that require improvement. This short story is not intended to be a therapy session nor is it meant to be critical. Life and many years of assisting people to decrease their stress, and eliminate people or things that don’t matter have given me some valuable tools.

I believe a person should be able to look in the mirror of their own life and make the necessary adjustments. I’m not naïve, I understand some changes require time. I also recognize sometimes life will not keep giving us second chances. That is where I come in to say make the necessary changes that can decrease your stress.

Some of us have to ask ourselves some tough questions i.e. what behavior has caused me to be where I am right now? who have I allowed to stay in my life that may be sabotaging me? For some of us, family members may be the main culprit.

Wherever you are on the self-development chart mentally, emotionally, or physically let 2024 be the year of transformation. Do not create lofty goals that may be difficult to keep. Implement one goal that improves your life and do it. I did not say to announce it on social media or tell your loved one.

I said to implement one area in your life, and do it, do it for you, not for recognition. I want to say in the quiet of your mind, the thoughts that may come will bring you to your next step, only you can get it done.

Organize don’t agonize life can be according to plan, some days will be blue and others will leave you with a clue. It is not merely the act of doing but being yourself without fretting. Life is not always meant to be fun but you can learn how to run.

Stop quitting everything you start just because you had a slow start. Life is delicate and sweet, don’t miss the moments that can’t be beat. It’s a sacred pact with yourself that will not leave you in despair. It is a deliberate communion with yourself that you share. Organize don’t agonize you can have something new.



Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose

Author, Podcast host, empath, poet and writer trying to connect with everyday people. As a Clinician I hope my poetry and stories provide healing for the soul