Rapido Made My Colleague Unpleasant on the First Day of the Week

Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2024
Photo by Kelly on Pexels

When she misses her bus, she is used to taking any private transport to the office. So did she that day as well. She booked her ride through the reputed private transport company Rapido. She got the One Time Password (OTP) for her ride, which needed to be informed to the driver once she got on the ride.

Here, even people who work with IT or any BPO companies and earn good money are also working in private transport, like this gig. They will take rides on their way to the office and home.

Rapido came on time. The guy seemed to be an IT professional. He carried his laptop with him and said that he worked in the same industrial estate, and that’s why he took the ride. The Rapido guy asked her, “Do you want to pay for the ride online or cash?”

“I would like to pay cash, and I have 500 bucks as a single note.” She said.

As she got on the bike, she shared the OTP with him. But she failed to check on the ride on her mobile app.

The ride went well, and she reached her destination on time. The price for the ride was only 180 bucks. He said that he would change the 500 in the nearby petty shops and return. So she got off the bike and gave him 500 bucks. Once he got the money, he immediately accelerated the bike and vanished from the place at lightning speed.

She reflexively checked the ride on her mobile and found nothing was showing on the app. He was supposed to enter the OTP once the passenger shared it with him. Only then does the app take the ride, and the details of the person and the vehicle number can be fetched from the app. He cunningly played the role.

A part of her said that the person deceived her. Despite that, she waited for some time, hoping that he would return.

How cleverly has he acted to steal 500 bucks from her? He asked her the mode of payment and knew how much money she had at the beginning of the ride. He hasn’t entered the OTP, so his details will not be shown.

It’s literally a theft. He didn’t snatch the money from her, but he got the money in a smarter way. I don’t know, “to deceive innocents, whether they book a room in five-star hotels and think about how to deceive people?”

Thank you for reading.



Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.