Sex Worker: The Great Mother

Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2024

Without a passion, if there is a job to choose as a career, that is prostitution. When we are asked about our careers, we never like to say that my ambition is to become a sex worker. Though you do not need to study hard, it is not as easy a job as many people think. If you get a chance to meet any sex workers, just ask them. They would say there were a lot of black pages in their lives.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

My bike had a small problem that day. I needed to take public transport to go to the office. It takes approximately one hour to reach my destination. I would like to sit in the window seat when I travel on a bus. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a window seat, so I was sitting next to the woman who occupied the window seat. I guessed her age must be no less than 45. Out of curiosity, I asked her about the destination. If she got down earlier, then I could get a window seat. I know I am a bit childish when it comes to having a window seat.

Unfortunately, she had to get down to the place where I was going. So the conversation that started about the destination went on and ended with a tragic part. She has gone through much in her life. When I heard her story, I felt like I was watching a movie.

She was from a poor family and the only child for their parents. As her parents’ didn’t have the facility to give her a proper education, her parents’ got her married early. Her husband eloped with another girl after giving her a boy child. Since then, she has been a single parent and has suffered a lot to raise her child. At a certain point, she had to choose a sex job to make ends meet. It seems, to her state, that our society was the sole reason, and some bad people took advantage of her ordeal.

Somehow, she raised her boy without having him know her hardships. Now he works for a good company and earns well. He is also married to a girl who works with him. But his mother, who toiled her whole life for him, was not allowed to stay with him. Since she was a sex worker once, she now lives alone and works as domestic help in two or three houses. When she ended her story, she said something that made me heartbroken. “I am okay with doing work for as long as I live to make ends meet, but my life is hell without seeing my son.”

A mother is always a mother.

Thank you for reading.



Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.