The Days Of Noah Are Here

Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2024


Never defend who you are just be who you are ~ Author.

This is a short story about what I see happening in the world.

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS on Pexels

I will give this disclaimer that I’m not a biblical scholar. I’m a Christ follower who studies the Bible, listens and tries to obey the Holy Spirit and prays. With that said this story is not about religion as much as it is about using our common sense and faith.

I get to assist a lot of people who have different challenges mentally, emotionally etc. I have never had a case that is alike. I have observed those clients who had similar habits with trauma, substance use or sexual assault.

And with those cases, I explored the signs that led up to the occurrence.
With each client, they informed me they had warning signs they were going too far with what the issue was i.e. substance use, mental trauma and emotional abuse.

I would explore with them why didn’t they listen the first, second or even the third time. In almost every instance each person thought they could control the issue, and they did not initially see a problem.

By the time they recognized the problem they had lost years, some there life, or someone else’s life, financial resources, and career possibilities that is just a few I can recall.

The world is changing and it has been in my lifetime, what I call a slow boil. It has increasingly grown worse. This story is not intended to point fingers that does not get anything resolved. Nor is my premise to turn the mirror on all we are doing wrong.

I’m simply here to say pay attention to your circle whatever you may be reading this from. Economically something is happening everywhere even if you are comfortable, stocks have been affected, food contamination is at an all-time high the spirit of murder is treacherous our kids are being killed weekly.

Again this story is meant to sound the alarm. We have been seeing wars and rumors of wars for years, some of us have been experiencing odd dreams that have nothing to do with what we ate last night, while others are having unusual visions and yet we move about life with no change, no prayer and no understanding.

I refuse to sit around and do life as usual when I can alarm my fellow man that a flood is coming. The Days of Noah are here and some have started to prepare while most are blind, cannot see or do not want to see.

My fellow readers, writers and those who can hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying, we must seek the face of God and not be caught off guard like we were when the pandemic hit the world. I will continue this story as I get more understanding.

Thank you for reading.

Be Well!

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Senetta Diane
Prose With Purpose

Author, Podcast host, empath, poet and writer trying to connect with everyday people. As a Clinician I hope my poetry and stories provide healing for the soul