The Enchantress’s Gaze

A Verse From The Vampire’s Coffin

The Dainty Vampire
Prose With Purpose
1 min readJun 6, 2024


Image by the author using Leonardo AI

Silence yourself in her midst, still thy tongue.

She catches one’s eye with each look she lets pass

In her control, darkness rules the night young

But my heart’s mistress is what it sees last.

Don’t be afraid of how alluringly she spells,

Lest you find yourself entrapped within her tales

Her sweet and dear recall makes me its captive,

But all is not well if you listen to what that femme fatale entails.

The way we resist someone’s beauty is impossible to understand when she calls to us in the most appealing and innocent manner.

How do we avoid what has already been predetermined by destiny when love burns in her eyes eternally?

But stand where thou art O heart!

Thou canst not but stay close to her because there is delight mingled with terror whenever she is nigh.

O eyes that mine have loved! Your comfort lies only within her look.



The Dainty Vampire
Prose With Purpose

A curious cat person with a passion for exploring the depths of philosophy, science, and technology.