The River of Life

Mika Oka
Prose With Purpose


Life is like the river, sometimes it sweeps you gently along and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere- Emma Smith

Photo by Marc Zimmer on Unsplash
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life is like the river
keep your distance
steer with care
waters deep, strong currents

life is like the river
full of ups and downs
like uncertainty
at every bend

life is like the river
wander and lose your way
eventually you’ll find
your path, come what may

life is like the river
hurdles emerging
one after another
testing your spirit, don’t lose heart

life is like the river
where we float along
carried by the current
a voyage of joy and torrent



Mika Oka
Prose With Purpose

Sharing her unique perspective on the world as a hearing-impaired autistic person with bipolar disorder despite the challenges.