“This Is What Those With Correct Growth Mindset Do”

Philip Ebuluofor
Prose With Purpose
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2024
Photo by Steffan Mitchell on Unsplash

Growth mindset, a phrase that has become a hackney, repeated over and over without corresponding success. To think that’s what many in different sectors dream of without adequate effort to translate it into reality speaks volumes.

Who doesn’t want progress?

But many prefer settling for dreams, daydreaming, and putting a lot of time and strength into such dreams rather than into an effort to translate such dreams into reality.

To think that their inaction towards turning those dreams into reality has nothing to do with not knowing what to do to help themselves shout loudest. Not that they don’t possess the education, the skills needed for the task. A growth mindset is what moves people from using firewood to using gas cookers or solar cookers these days.

Why are people not growing then?

Maybe they are contented with their lots, if not, why wouldn’t they do something about their condition? Of course, change, a noticeable one is not an immediately guaranteed thing and so is poverty. Being rich or poor is not an assigned portion of anyone. It’s a case of as you make your bed, so…. But when you have this mindset that poverty runs in your lineage, it runs without stopping.

When you possess the right growth mindset, it’s the first sign that you want to change your condition. With such zeal in you, it’s always hard for opportunity not to present itself. With correct intentions, and the correct mindset, you would acquire the mindset of those around you, you admire.

Poverty and wealth mindset are acquired and are accepted conditions. If you say no or yes and stand by your words through your actions, the universe will rush to your aid and start repeating you.

Once you possess the right growth mindset, and that growth spirit in you, you will find yourself consciously and unconsciously doing the right things. Correct chips start falling into the right places.

1) What does a man who wants promotion do?

2) What does a couple that needs a peaceful family do?

3) How are sound kids brought up?

4) What does a nation that wants peace, progress, and security do?

5) How does a businessman with growth as his aim handle his affairs?

6) A staff with good reports as his aim does what?

My answer is that they learn from those who have succeeded in those areas they struggle. They find out what those without success in those areas do and avoid them. They play according to the rules and regulations. At times, we are our own best teachers.

If minding one’s business is the key, regularity, punctuality, obedience, hard work, patience, self-respect, serious-mindedness, empathy, and playing within the rules are core principles, observe them. Doing more than told they say at times works in your favor. Poking your nose in the wrong places doesn’t either do trying to climb on others’ backs.

Underhand deals most of the time indeed lead to riches but they keep the dealers conscious of their shadows all the time. Casting glances over one’s shoulders 24 hours each day.

The importance of having the right growth mindset can not be over-emphasized. The impact can not be overlooked. When it hits you, you can never remain the same.

The other day, I overheard a man saying that one illiterate guy is now the richest in his village and was wondering why.

The guy talking down on the rich guy in his village it occurred to me doesn’t have the correct growth mindset in him. He needed to be told that wealth, being rich has nothing I do with education especially secondary school education upwards. Unless the guy is a jerk or those sound-looking but mentally unbalanced guys.

But you see such kinds in politics mainly not in buying and selling as we know it. Self-organization is the key. Being educated or illiterate doesn’t stop one from being organized. Being in an Armani coat or a penny suit doesn’t indicate anything, your utterances speak louder than those attires.

A man with the right growth mindset always focuses on what will lead him to his desired end not irrelevant things. Forming resistance to the growth of others, backbiting, coveting, backstabbing, etc.

Not get rich or get promotion quick schemes that are overflowing these days that they are even seen as wisdom by many. Pay attention to any genuine thing you do, give it your best attention, and think each day about how to improve on it from whatever stage it is.

There’s no way humans and nature would not over time start noticing you, your skill, wares, and progress, and come for your help or your aid. The correct way to the top, the way of progress, and the correct growth mindset are what come to those who court them. Imbibe them, and you will always be two steps ahead of your competitors.



Philip Ebuluofor
Prose With Purpose

Philip, is a freelancer, blogger, and short story writer. His skills includes: writing, reading, listening, creative and administrative. get him philipainox2@