Turning Back My Past

Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2023
Photo by Natalie Dupin on Pexels

In the 50th week of 2023, I don’t know why I am now thinking about the past. Some inexplicable thoughts have been going on in my mind since I woke up today. Okay, at least now I’ve started contemplating my life.

I began to list out all the good and unpleasant things that happened in the last year. After writing two points, my pen was drawing in the air for a long time. My rational mind giggled and said, looking at me, “That’s all. Why are you still lingering at the second point?”

I moved on to make a list of the next category of things in despair. Unfortunately, the unpleasant moments on the list surpassed the goods. At least I could make more points about it. I thought to myself.

While writing, the visuals of every good and bad instance flashed through my mind. It seemed unpleasant situations had eaten up most of my time in 2023, which included picking fights with my mom. I found out the cause. It all happened only because of me.

However, I can’t go back to my past and turn back the clock to make it right. After all, we are all humans. We will have positive and negative demeanors equally. Sometimes negative behavior overpowers positive actions. So, all I can do is work on the unpleasant moment to make it pleasant in 2024. Yes, I can do that. I am going to be doing it only for myself. I thank my past for making me understand my mistakes.

Do you have any unpleasant moments in 2023 and want to correct them in the coming year?

I would love to read your comments. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.



Sakthi Mahalingam
Prose With Purpose

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.