Outlook Is Essential

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

And Sends You the Sun and the Rain

Sam David Parker🌸
Prose With Purpose
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2024


A farmer stands with his hand on a shovel, looking at his green crops and the flowing water they need.
Photo by Nandhu Kumar on Unsplash

God Makes Weather

As God plans the weather, He must,
Let the rain fall on just and unjust.
When making the storms
Over cities and farms,
We soon decide who that we trust.

Looking Up At the Weather

Around here, we experience an agrarian society where good weather is all-important. Also, there are righteous farmers who consider themselves God’s friends and unrighteous farmers who seem uncaring if others regard them as God’s enemies.

Regardless of the farmer’s outlook toward God, sunshine and rain happen to the farmers equally.

Giving good sunshine and rain to an unpleasant farmer is an excellent example of how God loves His enemies. It seems God makes no distinction between the evil and the righteous in this instance — He gives both good gifts.

Coaching Small Town Sports

All you have to do is coach in a small town for a while to know that ‘Love your friend’ also means, ‘Hate your enemy.’ Currently, I challenge that in my experiences.

I love my enemies…



Sam David Parker🌸
Prose With Purpose

I write about addiction to substances, behaviors, and thistles of the soul. Human rights are God given rights.