Dance Open VR experience by Prosense

Users of Prosense applications can now watch the gala concert of world ballet stars from the imperial box of one of Europe’s oldest theaters — the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

2 min readNov 3, 2017


Users of Samsung Gear VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift can now have the same experience as the Russian tsars once did, and watch ballet in the lavish interiors of the Alexandrinsky Theater, but from the comfort of their homes.

A VR film was made during the Dance Open International Ballet Festival in the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. The program presented a variety of styles — classic, modern and avant-garde — as well as all the newest and best performances over the past year from different countries.

To create the illusion of a view from the Tsar’s box, filmmakers used special visual effects. The film was shot during regular performances with an audience present. The main camera was located directly in front of the stage, while others were positioned to the left and right of it, and in the rows near the stage.

The gala concert of world ballet stars shot by the VR filmmakers was held in April. Principal dancers from the Bolshoi Theater, Ballet La Scala, the San Francisco Ballet, the Royal Ballet of Covent Garden and many other stars participated in the event.

Watch Dance Open VR experience in applications for Gear VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.


