Proshore Diaries | Episode: 2 | February 2020

Saurav Pokhrel
8 min readMar 24, 2020


We are back again with the second episode of Proshore Diaries, and the very first in 2020. We are being focused to bring back to back episode of the Proshore Diaries so that not only Proshorian but our followers also get to know what’s happening inside Proshore

This month was all romantic because it was the month of love, and obviously, the month of romance. The major event to kick-off the first week of February was a workshop on Behavior Driven Development (BDD). This event was facilitated by the Jankari tech Pvt Ltd, a company located in the Pokhara, that has been working specifically for Quality Assurance. It was a great session and Proshorians learned different skills with the efficacious implementation of it in the development of any kind of software. After all, the session was lucrative and we would like to again thank the Jankari Tech Team for their valuable Session.

BDD session

The thing which can be perceived as the passion to learn and it was over the likes of holidays this month. Salute to all the guys who sacrificed their leave to learn something new. You guys are great!

The next day? The next day was even more important, our ‘friendly’ bosses, Haico and Jeroen, were coming all the way from The Netherlands to be with us for the first outing of 2020: Proshore Picnic. Both bosses were expected to be on the Picnic but only Haico arrived. Sources revealed that Jeroen missed his flight. LOL. The destination for the picnic outing was “The Bojini Resort Nagarkot”.

It was the picnic day and again it was expectation vs reality :P. The guys were informed to be on time for the picnic. I, along with a few others, took this too seriously. When I arrived at 7:00 am sharp the next morning, I think only 3–5 people arrived and haico was also among them. And the funny part here was he knew about “Nepali Time”. You know what I mean. I have one name for such a disease: Punctuality Deficiency Syndrome (PDS). Everyone arrived in one hour’s time. It was 8:00 am in the morning when we were about to move from Proshore. Meanwhile, our VP of engineering, Babish was missing from the rest of the squad. The case is pretty rare when your VP is late himself :D. He was instantly trolled :P

It was 9:30 am when we reached the Picnic spot, which was followed by the heavy breakfast. After having breakfast, some of the guys went for a hike to Nagarkot Tower, few went to the dam side and some of them enjoyed having a talk at the sunny weather. Not to mention the rest of the guys, because they were busy preparing some kinds of stuff. Ha Ha, guys :P. I reckon you got the clue here.

Do not touch

I was on the hiking side and I can tell you in short about the incident there. Nagarkot tower was 3km up from the picnic spot. It took nearly half-hour to go up the tower. After reaching the top, we had a cup of tea, and it was an amazing feeling to have a sip of tea in the sunshine. Oh, I forgot to mention the talks during the hike. The funnier of all was Roshan sir was more scared of the shooting practice that was happening in the army school. He felt so because it was just a few distances from our route. After spending some memorable moments at the tower we went back to the resort.

At the top of the tower

We played different team-building games like Tic-tac-toe, Bingo, and “Matki Fod”. By looking at people’s play, I felt the game interesting. The winner of the Tic-tac-toe game was the team of Haico, Kabindra, pratikshya, and Bikram.

After that, we had snacks with some sips of beer. The snacks session was made more interesting with the introduction of “Bingo”. I don’t know how interesting or boring the game was because I was the host of the game. This was the first time I’ve ever hosted an event and I was amazed that I did it. One of the hilarious moments recorded was Kamal sir claiming “first five” of the bingo game. I’ve just called 6th number and he was running all the way down from the corner table to the front claiming First five. There was no doubt that everyone was surprised. When I looked at the paper, I was like “OMG! Are you serious?”. He picked the 5 numbers from all the tables, not from a single one. Sir, please remain this funny every time :P. The winner of the bingo game was Sandeeep! He received a total of “One elephant and 2 rhinos”.


After Bingo It was time for the “Matki Fod”. The rule of disturbing the opponent made it more interesting because the person would not listen to the guide from the people outside. The winner of this game was Tek and his team. After that, we had a photo session and then we departed at 5:00 pm from the resort. After all, It was a memorable day for the Proshorian.

It was Valentine’s day (14th Feb) and the first message that day was not bizarre at all because it was a deep message from our VP. The message was like: “Do what you want to do if you are single, once you are married you can’t even change your TV channel”. You guys should be aware of this message because you’re going to be in a similar situation someday. “Be prepared!”

Soon on this day, there was a session of Proshore Rostrum. I knew already going on this session is going to be some kind of trap. Expectedly, I was asked to speak on the most uncomfortable topic. I’d not like to disclose more here.

After the session was over, the lunch was more special, it was “khaja set”: the best one you’ll ever get. After having lunch, there is always a “chiya talk” at the cafe. I think it’s a great way to refresh yourself from the office stuff and think of new ideas.

And yes, Jeroen too forwarded a message in the general channel that It was his last day on the Kathmandu and he would like to have coffee and tea with the Proshore Team. We could clearly feel the void in Jereon’s life this day :P. We went for a coffee with our “Jumbo Toli”. We had a cup of coffee and had different interesting talks. All the talks were centered around Valentine’s day. Most of us were single, so yeah, talks were assumed more interesting. The idea of meetups with a cup of coffee was discussed to some extent and the response was pretty good.

We celebrate Valentine’s day this way :P

The most recurring voice of the month would be from Prakash dai mouth, “ Guys Internet kasto Chali Rako cha?”. The expression of the guy is best explained with the GIF below

Suited booted Prakash dai

Our community sheriff, Sakar, a.k.a Sakar UK gave the updates of the meetups in our general channel. He would never miss the event list, and it’s even impossible to miss if the meetups include free food :P.

You can ask him how was the “prasad of Shivaratri”?

The guys were busy searching for the dealers because Shivaratri was approaching. And the rest of the people were like “malai pani milaidinu na yar”. The majority of the people got what they needed on that day!

On the 25th of February, we’ve successfully completed the lucrative “#Dockers session”, held at Proshore. This session was guided by Babish, VP of Engineering at Proshore, to set developer’s sight on efficacious development. We would like to express our thanks to Babish for bringing off this amazing session. And kudos to them who are trying to grow themselves with the changing development culture.

Docker’s Session By Babish, VP of Engineering at Proshore

As usual, TGIF was supposed to take place on the 28th of February. For that, we’ve planned different games: Personal Mapping, Jigsaw puzzle-solving game, and alphabet game. Personal mapping was based more on personal development than the competition. People were asked to map their dreams on a sheet of paper. After that, everyone would see each other’s dreams and get an insight into others’ dreams. This would help to map the personal dream in comparison to others: where they are lacking and where they can achieve more. In the jigsaw game, the one who would solve the puzzle in the fastest way would win the game.

Overall, the winner of this TGIF was Susmit and his team. They won this by solving the puzzle in 10’38’’. They were rewarded with the gift hamper. And the activities of this month ended with the TGIF event.

After all, this was the busiest of the month for the proshorians, we enjoyed, we learned, and we got inspired. This is all for this episode and will be back again with an even more interesting blog series. Please subscribe to get more exciting content.

P.S: If you find it boring to read the whole medium article, chrome comes with an extension named: You can listen to audio too :)

