Celebrate Innovative Teaching

Teresa Buczinsky
Prospect Innovators
2 min readMay 12, 2015


Spotlight: Jason Block

Prospect High School Journalism Teacher and Newspaper Sponsor

The Challenge: Organize an online system enabling journalism students to help each other create and organize their stories, photographs, and artwork.

The Tools: Schoology discussions.

The Assignment: Students post their story topic/angle and then comment on other people’s stories with reader questions, angle ideas, and potential sources.

The Result: Outstanding student journalism. The Prospector staff continues to produce an award-winning student newspaper, evolving with the digital times. The photograph below was the final product of the discussion above.

Photo Credit: Cassidy Selep

Follow Jason’s innovative teaching @jasonblock216.



Teresa Buczinsky
Prospect Innovators

Teacher of Honors English, Creative Writing, and Humanities at Prospect High School