Social Curation with Flipboard

Matt Hamilton
Prospect Innovators
2 min readMar 4, 2016

While walking the building yesterday with Linda Ashida, we ran into two teachers who wanted to start curating the topics that interested them from their social media accounts. Because of that chance interaction, I decided to put together a post on using Flipboard to do just that. Now to steal some formatting from Teresa Buczinsky

The Problem: Teachers are feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information pushed to them through social networks. What they need is a way to collect the good and useful stuff and find a place to house all those juicy resources.

Whachu need: Your iPad or computer and some social media accounts (my example focuses on Twitter).

The Solution: Connect to your social networks using Flipboard, save examples of inspiring work into your own magazine, and share with your colleagues.

The Next Steps: Watch the following video then go grab an account!

Social Curation Using Flipboard on YouTube

For the advanced users:

Follow Flipboard @Flipboard on Twitter as well!.

