Week 9: Prepare and present Generative Research Outcome

March 29–April 4

We spent most of the time developing our client presentation this week. With synthesized research result, our goal for the presentation is to demonstrate the possible concepts based on the research result. I outline the work on this week in two parts, the presentation development, and the feedbacks synthesis after the presentation.

Development Process

  1. Slidedeck Outline

We started by reviewing previous years’ works, wrote down what we see, and vote for the section we think is important to our research. We then revisit those with more vote, and pulled them out to see what’s still missing in the whole outlines. We also compare the outline with our research outcome to make sure it tells what we’re doing, since the context of previous projects is different from us.

Outline brainstorming
final outcome

2. Iteration after the dry runs

With all the contents on the slide deck, it’s easy for the audience to lose track, and sometimes unclear about the connection between each slide. Therefore, we spent some time restructuring the presentation, along with the content. And the goal for the iterations is to build a stronger logical bond within each slide. Below are some strategies we applied:

  1. Interview process: quote the present and the desired future state

This approach help prime the audience of the context of future PPS, and also prepared the audience for the upcoming insights.

2. Consolidate insights with corresponding Opportunity

The insights are generated from our previous exploratory research, and the generative research. Also, it applied the same structure of current state and future state for logical consistency with the generative research quote. The opportunity can connect to the design principles that brings us to the concept we develop further.

3. Align the concept with design principles

With the design principles, we align our proposed concept tightly to make sure we’re approaching ARC in the right direction.


We start build our presentation earlier this phase, and it helps us iterate on the outline and the structure of the content to make every slides tided better with one another. Start early with the outline and visual to allow for more iteration is a great strategy for presentation.

Feedbacks Synthesis

Some feedbacks from the clients includes:

  1. Too much information in 10 minutes, too fast
  2. Based on our principles, they’re unsure whether we’re designing for ARC, or designing for other slice of the portrait

Other feedbacks are gather below. We then discuss what we can do in our concept development stage to clarify the problem, and most importantly, to re-center ourselves about our definition of ARC. A clear goal and direction in research is always important, because we don’t want to design an intervention that’s not context aware. After the long discussion, we’d like to treat ARC as the corner stone to open up the opportunities for other slices, rather than include other slices as what we trying to solve. We also talk about treating other slices as a mean to achieve ARC- because they’re all connected and to design for the educators’ portrait, we really can’t separate one slice from the other. This synthesis session allows us to consider ARC as our primary goal, and to prioritize what’s the most important problem we’re trying to tackle.



Carol Ho
Prospect Studio and a vision for the future of K-12

Master of Interaction Design student at Carnegie Mellon University. Optimistic for humanity and enthusiastic for tech. Portfolio Page: https://caroltyho.com